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Today's colour scheme is...
Eastern Shrike-tit (male)

Yellow, black and white...!

The only two birds I photographed during my bush walk yesterday (still today in England) were decked out in these colours. This bird was high in the trees...I heard a pair chattering, so I tried playing their calls from my tiny MP3 player, on which I have the full set of Australian bird calls. I use them for identification purposes, and have seldom played them to the birds, fearing that I might upset them. Small as the sound was from such a tiny sound source, this fellow had no doubts about it, until he came to check it out.

Again, it's not the best of photos, but the expression on his face is priceless. I can read his thought in it..."that's the ugliest Shrike-tit I've ever seen!!!"

Surprisingly, they didn't seem concerned, just interested...but then, they're not nesting at the moment. They listened to it a few times, then simply shrugged and went on their way.
Open forest, woodland, mallee, riverside and watercourse trees, cypress pines, banksia woodland. Generally rare; in optimum habitat, locally common. Sedentary or locally nomadic.
Victor Harbor, South Australia
Date taken
April 12, 2010
Scientific name
Falcunculus frontatus
Equipment used
Panasonic FZ50
Beautiful pose, detail, and lighting, Rose; and you're right, a great expression too, well done.

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Asia, Australia & Pacific Islands
Added by
Rose Fletcher
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