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Strange looking Rook

Strange looking Rook (Corvus frugilegus)

This Rook seemed to havbe a very large lower mandible
SW Wales
Date taken
May 2004
Scientific name
Corvus frugilegus
Equipment used
Canon D60 - Sigma 50-500mm
This is not a problem or abnormality, it is merely the gular pouch under the chin that the bird carries large amounts of food back to the nest in. It saves it going back and forwards with smaller amounts. All Crows posses this pouch it's just that it's more obvious on the featherless "face" of a Rook (especially when distended) than on the fully feathered face of the various other species around the world.

Nice shot of it too.
Hi Steve

I have seen thousands of Rooks and this is the 1st one I have seen with a pouch, even the others which flew with it didn't seem to have one. Thgis pouch seemed to be solid as if it was made from the same material as its beak!
In Poland it is normal to see a Rook with distended gular pouch (or whatever it is called), but not, I must say, so much.

Probably it holds at least a whole Walnut :)
The gular pouch is 100% normal and is used precisely as Steve mentioned. In Ireland, Rooks are extremely common and often alight in my garden to grab what they can. When they are in a rush to gather as much food as possible, the gular pouch rapidly fills and extends to allow the bird to carry more food.

What is really abnormal in Rooks and something I have once seen in my own back garden was a Rook with extremely long upper and lower mandibles....something approaching that of a Crossbill. Still, it managed to feed itself ok!!

thanks for all your info, nice to see a bird as common as a Rook still sparking some interesting points

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