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La bruja de la Portilla
La bruja de la Portilla or "the sorceress of la Portilla"-La Portilla del Tietar-Extremadura.
Field drawing-Bernard Brunet; sorry!the feet and setting were not finished...
Specially for Marian and Ken,because they think that my drawings are a bit too scarce.

Every morning in late winter,some monk vultures are meeting the local griffons at the summit of a great rock face,to warm themselves in the sun,waiting for the development of the thermals and the moment to fly away in the sky of Extremadura.
Scientific name
aegypius monachus
A personal thank you Bernard!! Love to see the finished image one day!! but for now!! Brilliant!! Ken.
Good artwork.

In know this may sound strange, but in the database we do have species that are extinct and do use artwork for these. So if possible is there any chance of doing a Dodo for me if you have some time available.

Yes I know it is a stange request. If you don't want to do it don't worry...I just thought it would be a good bird for you artwork.
Thank you all!!
That's OK-to finish this work(Ken and Aki) and to do an illustration of the dodo(specially to you,Marmot) in a moderate future.
A drawing holding all the personality of this impressive raptor, even if it is not finished! :clap: :clap: I had never heard that name of "La bruja de la Portilla", I guess it is a very local nickname... but suits it very well! ;)

Thank you very much, Bernard, I appreciate immensely your gesture! I must confess that your sketches taken in Spain thrill me to pieces! :bounce: Cheers!
Thank you very much,KC,Marian and Arthur!!
Marian-on further consideration,simply"el fraile"de la Portilla would be a better title(in english"the monk"of...)
Arthur,sadly I never met the dodo,but I still hope...
Wonderful sketch of this vulture.. I have photographed a Lesser Yellow-headed vulture yesterday, and the 'spirit' of it is very much alike to the one here!

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