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Home: Top of the Andes

Home: Top of the Andes

finishing a very long, solo hike from the low lying amazon to the top of the Andes
mountain tops above tree line
top of the Andes
Date taken
July 2012
Equipment used
canon t1i
I had a few weeks between projects and took my time enjoying a self made path from the amazon to the mountain tops, 66kg of gear including food and cooking equipment. slept in a hammock while in the forest and in my tent above treeline. simply theist amazing experience of my life.
Super image ! Nice to meet you ! You have a beautiful gallery and I'm looking forward to see more of your photos.
Oh, just another run-o-the-mill day ... ... at the top of the Andes!!! LOL!
Top-notch scene and photo!
Gracias, amigo!
I was the only person up there the three days I spent at the top of the andes before hiking to the nearest road and hitchhiking the 9 hours back to a city. Every view, sunrise, sunset and starscape were seemingly customized for my arrival. I've never had any photography training (i learned everything living in a tent hoping to share the frogs I was studying) and now work as a sunglass salesman inbetween to fund my adventures. When things line up and I obtain the opportunity to go, I try to make it as memorable as possible.

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