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Hoopoe in Northamptonshire

Hoopoe in Northamptonshire (Upupa Epops)

A very confiding bird that stayed in the same place for a couple of hours. Sadly it was in deep shade from a building with the sun shining direct into my face. Not the best conditions for good photos.
Ecton Brook Community Centre
Date taken
Scientific name
Upupa Epops
Equipment used
Swarovski 80STS = CP4500
Cheers you guys and gals. I was pleased to get the bird considering the bad light and distance.

Nice to meet you today Richard.
The colour looks paler than our Hoopoe here in Thailand. Was it the lighting or the diferences in our weather?

We love Hoopoe, we have several of them visiting our garden every day.

Hi Ruchai

The bird was situated in a very dark shady area so the birds colour could have been affected.
You are right! Look at my other picture here. http://www.birdforum.net/pp_gallery/data/528/13088Hoopoe_15-5-05.jpg
BTW I forgot to say what a fantastic shot of the Hoopoe you took. I'm well impressed.

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