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Alpine Swifts
And here are some swifts from Dubrovnik last week. That dark shadow at the top of the frame is the edge of the awning at the outdoor restaurant where we sat, at the water's edge just outside the medieval city walls. Around sunset the Alpine Swifts came swarming out from those walls and I got a couple of shots of the masses of them, just by pointing the camera into the sky and snapping. I think there are about 50 in the frame. You can tell they're Alpines, even at this distance, by the oblong patch of white on their bellies (those that happen to have their belly turned towards the camera), framed in by dark head, wings and tail. I'm pretty sure I saw Pallid Swifts earlier in the day the next day - uniformly grey underneath, but for a lighter patch at the throat - but I didn't get a shot of any of those.
evening sky
Date taken
23 Sept 2016
Scientific name
Tachymarptis melba
Equipment used
Panasonic GX8 w/ 100-300
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Opus Editor
Wow!!! You got a right load of them in shot, didn't you Ann.

And, as you say, you've got some of them in focus too. Nice work here lassie.
Now that is a bunch of swifts. Just think how well they are keeping a certain insect population in control. Excellent Doc!!!
Well spotted and captured, Ann! I saw some on the cliffs ar Ronda in Andalusia but didn't get any pictures. They're very noisy when they fly in formation. Bigger than I expected too.

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Doc Duck
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