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Pentax PF/PR 65 (1 Viewer)



I'm planning to get me a scope, and the Pentax 65 is on my short list.

The PF-65 seems to be a good value, at least at low mag, but I'm wondering about the PR-65. Does anybody had a chance to compare PF and PR 65 scopes ? Is the new one still ok ?

Thanks in advance for your help !

the PR series seem to be quite heavy - 1.9kg for the 65mm and 2.4 for the 80mm - although that's including the zoom EP. Regarding the quality - from the two reviews I found, it seems to be hit&miss. One review of the 80mm couldn't get a sharp image at over 40x which is not reassuring while another of the 65mm model was mentioning good image quality although the 65mm model with the standard zoom only goes up to 45x.


the PR series seem to be quite heavy - 1.9kg for the 65mm and 2.4 for the 80mm - although that's including the zoom EP. Regarding the quality - from the two reviews I found, it seems to be hit&miss. One review of the 80mm couldn't get a sharp image at over 40x which is not reassuring while another of the 65mm model was mentioning good image quality although the 65mm model with the standard zoom only goes up to 45x.


No problem getting a sharp image at 60x on the PF80 ED. Personally I wouldn't place too much store in one review. The problem is these new Pentax scopes are like rocking horse dodo. Very little information on the internet and not easy to try one out.

that's right, one bad review is not a lot... but there's only two on the web...
If they weren't so heavy, one could try one and buy the demo if it's ok... but considering the weight, I don't know if I would consider it.

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