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Hello and looking for site gen (1 Viewer)

Many thanks John, I'll let you know when I am planning to come down, will probably wait for a northernly airstream. Hope the gulls aren't too far away as my scope isn't all that powerful! Does and easterly wind push the birds closer?

Its very hit and miss to how close the birds come. As they roost heading into the wind just a small change in direction can make viewing difficult. A northerly wind is good as then you can view from the Inlet where the light is usually excellent and the whole of the reservoir can be seen. How late the sailing boats stay out will also push them further to one bank or the other too.


Draycote Water County records

Just had a quick look into County Records at Draycote and noted

Kumliens Gull MJI
Caspain Gull JJ
Franklin's Gull JJ
Long-tailed Skua JJ
Baird's Sandpiper 1996 CBD
Collard Pratincole 1996 PF
Spotted Sandpiper PJF GRH JVH
Wilson's Phalarope MB, AC, PDH
Buff-breasted Sandpiper PDH, GG
Whiskered Tern PJF, DIP

Must easily be the number 1 site for County records in Warkwickshire, have I missed any.

Regards, John
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American Golden Plover
Kentish Plover
Long-billed Dowitcher x 2
Bonaparte's Gull x2
Caspian Tern
Roseate Tern
White-winged Black Tern
and Red-rumped Swallow.
Loads more scarce too :t:


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John, once again thank you very much. A very useful summary indeed, certainly appears to be the place to find stuff in the county! I am interested in the higher ground for vismig as well, as I imagine areas such as Ilmington and Napton are not the only areas in the county to attract scarce migrants.
It'd be interesting to co-ordinate some sort of vismig log from these higher areas with a number of observers watching at the same time, as I'm sure such an effort would result in some interesting species being noted!
All the best, Dan.
American Golden Plover
Kentish Plover
Long-billed Dowitcher x 2
Bonaparte's Gull x2
Caspian Tern
Roseate Tern
White-winged Black Tern
and Red-rumped Swallow.
Loads more scarce too :t:



In your list County Firsts for Draycote
kentish plover JL
Long-billed Dowicher RCM
Red-rumped Swallow GRH, JVH
American Golden Plover was seen nearby Draycote Willouuby in Fields on 18/10/91 before being seen at Draycote on 22/10/91
Bonaparte's Gull seen at Kenilworth before Draycote.
Siberian Chiffchaff 1976 but much advancement in identification in recent years DIP.
Also noted at Draycote Lesser Scaup and Surf Scoter.

Regards, John
John, once again thank you very much. A very useful summary indeed, certainly appears to be the place to find stuff in the county! I am interested in the higher ground for vismig as well, as I imagine areas such as Ilmington and Napton are not the only areas in the county to attract scarce migrants.
It'd be interesting to co-ordinate some sort of vismig log from these higher areas with a number of observers watching at the same time, as I'm sure such an effort would result in some interesting species being noted!
All the best, Dan.

Hi Dan,
Illmington is the highest point in Warwickshire which is on a belt of Jurassic Limestone.
Lower volcanic Rocks are NW of Nuneaton to Atherstone, I vismig at Hartshill. to vismig regulary you need a local site to get to easily.

Regards, John
Hi Dan,
Illmington is the highest point in Warwickshire which is on a belt of Jurassic Limestone.
Lower volcanic Rocks are NW of Nuneaton to Atherstone, I vismig at Hartshill. to vismig regulary you need a local site to get to easily.

Regards, John

Much closer to home try Loxley. Head out of Wellesboune on a minor road on the south side of the airfield for 2 miles , in Loxley turn left and go up the hill through the village and right at the top of the hill there is an obvious layby.
Cheers David, I'll give that a go as it's close by. I went up to the windmill at Chesterton yesterday which has good views in most directions, a decent sized finch flock up there too. Much closer to home is Spinney hill, though I can observe stuff moving over that from my sofa!
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