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Trip to Washington DC (1 Viewer)


I'm losing it!
Hi folks

It looks like I may be able to get a trip to Washington next easter.
Where would be the best place to stay without driving 100's of miles from the city? Is accommodation expensive? And of course where are the best birds?

Any help appreciated.

Well, Washington is expensive, period. But I'd visit again in a heartbeat! So MANY wonderful things to see!! (I haven't been since demonstrating against the war back in '71).

It's been so long that I'm no help whatsoever for accomodation suggestions.

As for birding, I'm sure there is an Audubon chapter, if not right in Washington, then in some of the surrounding Virginia or Maryland suburbs. So you might check the list of chapters on the National Audubon Society website as a starting place. Seems I've read about Rock Hill/Rockhill Park being a good place.

What all are you planning to see there? Sooooo much to see and do!
Hi Beverly

Thanks for replying. My USA list is so short I could go anywhere and get a good list of new life ticks! My reasons for chosing Washington were as follows:

I can get free air tickets via airmiles and from my local airport.
It looked interesting for tourism as well as birding.
I thought I could find reasonably priced accommodation if I lowered my standards far enough!


And here I was thinking they were paying you too much at your authority! Mind you, having worked for local authorities in the dim and distant past, I can't see that happening.

Hi Digi

No chance of being overpaid. The free tickets represent many hours of shopping at Tesco's (aaarrrggghhh!!!) for Airmiles. Not many good places to go from Manchester with air miles and it seems a waste to go via London. Mind you if accommodation is horrendously expensive it might have to be Southport instead!

James, there's a website out there (and I'm sorry I don't have the specific address, but Google should find it for you) for Arthur Frommer's Budget Travel. I read articles from them regularly on MSNBC and they always seem to be finding some real bargains!

While DC is expensive, I'm sure you'll find SOMEWHERE to stay. I would include checking out YWCA/YWMA/YHAs as well, especially if you're not terribly picky about your lodgings -- I know they can be awfully barebone.

BirdingPals might be another option for information.
Hi James.

I've stayed at the Mariott Crystal Gateway Inn in Arlington, Va. It is a deluxe hotel BUT....here's the secret.....book it for Friday/Sat./Sunday and they offer weekend specials that can be quite affordable. It also has access to the "tube" in it's lower level so no car is needed to visit the sites of D.C. There is also an underground mall, complete with cinema down near the tube entrance. Arlington, Va. and Washington are virtually one town.

No good ideas for mid-week hotels but I believe searching the web for area "Comfort Suites" and "Best Western" hotels should give you a comfortable room with a light breakfast included.

I'll give a hearty 'second' to Comfort Suites. Have stayed with them several times (not in DC) and have always found quite nice accomodations for a not-unreasonable price.
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