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Wintibird's International List 2015 (1 Viewer)

Before I start with the Indian part here's one I forgot:

324: Eurasian Collared Dove

India again! Smoot flights from Zürich to Delhi and from Delhi to Guwahati, Assam. Then drive to Orang National Park and some first birding in the grassland and forests near the mighty Brahmaputra.

17. April - Orang Nationalpark, Assam, India
325: Black-headed Ibis
326: Black-necked Stork
327: Lesser Adjutant
328: Oriental Darter
329: Black-winged Kite
330: Himalayan Vulture
331: Grey-headed Fish-Eagle
332: Bronze-winged Jacana
333: Oriental Turtle Dove
334: Red Turtle Dove
335: Alexandrine Parakeet
336: Lesser Coucal
337: Common Hawk-Cuckoo
338: Stork-billed Kingfisher
339: Blue-bearded Bee-eater
340: Fulvous-breasted Woodpecker
341: Grey-backed Shrike
342: Hair-crested Drongo
343: Eastern Jungle Crow
344: Grey-throated Martin
345: Striated Grassbird
346: Striated Babbler
347: Slender-billed Babbler
348: Pied Myna
349: Citrine Wagtail

Attached a Blue-bearded Bee-eater. What a nice bird!


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The next day we returned to Orang in the morning. It rained heavily when we arrived, luckily the weather improved and we managed to see good birds. Especially the grassbirds where a nice bonus. Then we translocated to Nameri and did some birding between the ecocamp and the river.

18. April - Orang NP and Nameri NP, Assam, India
350: Swamp Francolin
351: White-winged Duck
352: Watercock
353: Indian Stone-curlew
354: Great Stone-curlew
355: River Lapwing
356: Common Sandpiper
357: Small Pratincole
358: Brown-headed Gull
359: River Tern
360: Common Emerald Dove
361: Wedge-tailed Green Pigeon
362: Red-breasted Parakeet
363: Indian Cuckoo
364: Chestnut-headed Bee-eater
365: Great Hornbill
366: Wreathed Hornbill
367: Lineated Barbet
368: Blue-throated Barbet
369: Scarlet Minivet
370: Sand Lark
371: Bristled Grassbird
372: Indian Grassbird
373: Taiga Flycatcher
374: Orange-bellied Leafbird

Bristled Grassbird and Brown Hawk-Owl:


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Full day at Nameri NP today. We cross the river in the morning and spend the whole day in the park, seeing another three White-winged Ducks!

19. April - Nameri NP, Assam, India
375: Black Stork
376: Upland Buzzard
377: Barred Cuckoo-Dove
378: Thick-billed Green Pigeon
379: Pin-tailed Green Pigeon
380: Mountain Imperial Pigeon
381: Asian Emerald Cuckoo
382: Collared Scops Owl
383: Asian Barred Owlet
384: Oriental Dollarbird
385: Blue-eared Barbet
386: Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker
387: Greater Yellownape
388: Lesser Yellownape
389: Rufous Woodpecker
390: Silver-breasted Broadbill
391: Grey Treepie
392: Sultan Tit
393: Black-crested Bulbul
394: White-throated Bulbul
395: Black Bulbul
396: Dusky Warbler
397: Tickell's Leaf Warbler
398: Pin-striped Tit-Babbler
399: Velvet-fronted Nuthatch
400: Common Hill Myna
401: Great Myna
402: Stejneger's Stonechat
403: Pale-chinned Blue Flycatcher
404: Yellow-vented Flowerpecker
405: Plain Flowerpecker
406: Olive-backed Pipit

Attached Green Imperial Pigeon, White-winged Duck and Asian Barred Owlet.


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We leave Nameri Ecocamp in the morning and pass the boarder to Arunachal Pradesh. Some birding first in a bamboo forest below Sessa, then at the river just before reaching Sessa. We drive on to Tenga and take the Mandala road from there, where we can squeeze in some afternoon birding. Finally we reach Dirang, our base for the next five nights.

20. April - Nameri to Dirang, Arunachal Pradesh, India
407: Crested Goshawk
408: Hodgson's Hawk Cuckoo
409: Himalayan Cuckoo
410: Silver-backed Needletail
411: Great Barbet
412: Maroon Oriole
413: Green-backed Tit
414: Mountain Bulbul
415: Ashy Bulbul
416: Yellow-bellied Warbler
417: Blyth's Leaf Warbler
418: Yellow-vented Warbler
419: Grey-throated Babbler
420: Nepal Fulvetta
421: Buff-breasted Babbler
422: Striated Laughingthrush
423: Bar-throated Minla
424: Silver-eared Mesia
425: Red-billed Leiothrix
426: Beautiful Sibia
427: Long-tailed Sibia
428: White-breasted Parrotbill
429: Striated Yuhina
430: White-naped Yuhina
431: Whiskered Yuhina
432: Plumbeous Water Redstart
433: White-capped Redstart
434: Blue Whistling Thrush
435: Slaty-backed Forktail
436: Spotted Forktail
437: Blue-throated Blue Flycatcher
438: Small Niltava
439: Mrs. Gould's Sunbird
440: Black-throated Sunbird
441: Streaked Spiderhunter
Today a short drive to Sangti Valley, the only known breeding place of Long-billed Plover in India. We see two birds with three chicks. Later we drive up Mandala road. The first of many wet afternoon birding sessions is still a good success.

21. April - Sangti Valley and Mandala Road, Arunachal Pradesh, India
442: Long-billed Plover
443: Himalayan Swiftlet
444: Blyth's Swift
445: Black-winged Cuckooshrike
446: Long-tailed Minivet
447: Grey-headed Canary-flycatcher
448: Rufous-vented Tit
449: Striated Bulbul
450: Black-faced Warbler
451: Grey-sided Bush Warbler
452: Rufous-fronted Bushtit
453: Buff-barred Warbler
454: Ashy-throated Warbler
455: Lemon-rumped Warbler
456: Grey-hooded Warbler
457: Whistler's Warbler
458: Rufous-capped Babbler
459: Blue-winged Minla
460: Red-tailed Minla
461: Brown-throated Fulvetta
462: Stripe-throated Yuhina
463: Rufous-vented Yuhina
464: White-tailed Nuthatch
465: Tickell's Thrush
466: White-collared Blackbird
467: Grey-winged Blackbird
468: Indian Blue Robin
469: Grey Bush Chat
470: Blue-capped Rock Thrush
471: Dark-sided Flycatcher
472: Slaty-backed Flycatcher
473: Slaty-blue Flycatcher
474: Brown Dipper
475: Green-tailed Sunbird
476: Russet Sparrow
477: Richard's Pipit
478: Grey-headed Bullfinch
479: Crested Bunting

Long-billed Plover and Grey-headed Bullfinch


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Today we drive up to Sela Pass (4170 metres / 13,680 feet). It snows on the pass and birding is difficult. However, we manage to see several good birds. Later we drive down towards Tawang, adding more species to our list, especially Solitary Snipe! In the afternoon we bird on the other side of the pass where the weather is slightly better.

22. April - Sela, Arunachal Pradesh, India
480: Blood Pheasant
481: Himalayan Monal
482: Solitary Snipe
483: Snow Pigeon
484: Large Hawk-Cuckoo
485: Red-billed Chough
486: Asian House Martin
487: Brown-flanked Bush Warbler
488: Streak-breasted Scimitar Babbler
489: Bhutan Laughingthrush
490: Black-faced Laughingthrush
491: Chestnut-crowned Laughingthrush
492: Brown Parrotbill
493: Tibetan Blackbird
494: Blue-fronted Redstart
495: Grandala
496: Chestnut-bellied Rock Thrush
497: Fire-tailed Sunbird
498: Alpine Accentor
499: Rufous-breasted Accentor
500: Rosy Pipit
501: Spot-winged Grosbeak
502: Plain Mountain Finch
503: Brandt's Mountain Finch
504: Himalayan White-browed Rosefinch

Sela Pass and Snow Pigeon (both snowed in)


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Another day at Mandala Road, this time seeing the Black-tailed Crake.

23. April - Mandala Road, Arunachal Pradesh, India
505: Black-tailed Crake
506: Golden-throated Barbet
507: Rufous-bellied Woodpecker
508: Short-billed Minivet
509: Spotted Nutcracker
510: Large-billed Crow
511: Grey Crested Tit
512: Scaly-breasted Cupwing
513: Chestnut-headed Tesia
514: Black-throated Bushtit
515: Bar-winged Wren-Babbler
516: Rufous-chinned Laughingthrush
517: Spotted Laughingthrush
518: Hodgson's Treecreeper
519: Rusty-flanked Treecreeper
520: White-browed Shortwing
521: Golden Bush Robin
522: Blue-fronted Robin
523: Rufous-bellied Niltava
524: Golden-naped Finch
525: Crimson-browed Finch

Scaly-breasted Cupwing


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Another go at Sela Pass but the weather is even worse than the last time. Still we pick up some good birds, most notably Fire-tailed Myzornis!

24. April - Sela, Arunachal Pradesh, India
526: Common Cuckoo
527: Hume's Bush Warbler
528: Large-billed Leaf Warbler
529: Fire-tailed Myzornis
530: White-browed Bush Robin
531: Ultramarine Flycatcher
532: Blyth's Pipit
533: White-winged Grosbeak
534: Dark-breasted Rosefinch
535: Dark-rumped Rosefinch
536: Yellow-breasted Greenfinch
Today we did Mandala road again before driving to Tenga and then starting the ascent to Lamacamp in famous Eaglenest Sanctuary.

25. April - Dirang to Lamacamp, Arunachal Pradesh, India
537: White-throated Needletail
538: Darjeeling Woodpecker
539: Green Shrike-babbler
540: White-throated Fantail
541: Yellow-billed Blue Magpie
542: Yellow-bellied Fairy-flycatcher
543: Chestnut-crowned Warbler
544: Grey-sided Laughingthrush
545: Blue-winged Laughingthrush
546: Bugun Liocichla
547: Sikkim Treecreeper
548: Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher
549: Yellow-bellied Flowerpecker
550: Fire-breasted Flowerpecker

Striated Laughingthrush:


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Based in Lamacamp we explored the upper regions of Eaglenest. Again with rain and fog, however with some cracking birds again.

26. April - Eaglenest WLS, Arunachal Pradesh, India
551: Temminck's Tragopan
552: Kalij Pheasant
553: Blyth's Shrike-babbler
554: Yellow-cheeked Tit
555: Pygmy Cupwing
556: Grey-bellied Tesia
557: Hume's Leaf Warbler
558: Slender-billed Scimitar Babbler
559: Rufous-throated Wren-babbler
560: Himalayan Cutia
561: Rusty-fronted Barwing
562: Tibetan Serin
Today we drove from Lamacamp to Bhompucamp on the southern side of Eaglenest. The weather is still not cooperative, it rains a lot and if the rain stops, the fog comes in....

27. April - Eaglenest WLS, Arunachal Pradesh, India
563: Long-tailed Broadbill
564: Black-eared Shrike-babbler
565: Lesser Racket-tailed Drongo
566: Yellow-browed Tit
567: Broad-billed Warbler
568: White-spectacled Warbler
569: Grey-cheeked Warbler
570: Russet Bush Warbler
571: Golden Babbler
572: Yellow-throated Fulvetta
573: Rufous-winged Fulvetta
574: Streak-throated Barwing
575: Rufous-backed Sibia
576: Beautiful Nuthatch
577: Sapphire Flycatcher
578: Brown Bullfinch
579: Scarlet Finch

Beautiful Nuthatch:


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We drive down from Bhompu towards Khellong. What a beautiful forest and what stunning birds. Rain again in the afternoon....

28. April - Eaglenest WLS, Arunachal Pradesh, India
580: Red-headed Trogon
581: Rufous-necked Hornbill
582: Speckled Piculet
583: White-browed Piculet
584: Bar-winged Flycatcher-shrike
585: Large Woodshrike
586: Grey-chinned Minivet
587: Rufous-faced Warbler
588: Spotted Elachura
589: White-hooded Babbler
590: Long-billed Wren-Babbler
591: White-crested Laughingthrush
592: Red-faced Liocichla
593: Pale-billed Parrotbill
594: Grey-headed Parrotbill
595: Black-chinned Yuhina
596: Chestnut-bellied Nuthatch
597: Scaly Thrush
598: Pale Blue Flycatcher
599: Large Blue Flycatcher

White-hooded Babbler and Pale-billed Parrotbill:


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Two more days based at Bhompu. We still struggle with the weather, heavy rain makes birding difficult.

29. April - Eaglenest WLS, Arunachal Pradesh, India
600: Blyth's Tragopan
601: Ashy Wood Pigeon
602: Ward's Trogon
603: Black-headed Shrike-babbler
604: Mountain Tailorbird
605: Sikkim Wedge-billed Babbler
606: White-throated Laughingthrush
607: Golden-breasted Fulvetta

30. April - Eaglenest WLS, Arunachal Pradesh, India
608: Pale-headed Woodpecker
609: Bay Woodpecker
610: Collared Treepie
611: Red-billed Scimitar Babbler
612: Coral-billed Scimitar Babbler
613: Greater Necklaced Laughinghtrush


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The last few days in India. Back to Lamacamp for a night, then driving down to Tenga and over Sessa to Tezpur, in the plain. On the last day we bird south of Tezpur at the shore of the river Brahmaputra.

1. May - Bhompucamp to Lamacamp
614: Grey Nightjar
615: Snowy-browed Flycatcher
616: Pygmy Flycatcher

2. May - Lamacamp to Tezpur
617: Lesser Cuckoo
618: Lesser Shortwing
619: Black-backed Forktail

3. May - Tezpur to Guwahati
620: Bar-headed Goose
621: Cotton Pygmy Goose
622: Indian Spot-billed Duck
623: Greater Adjutant
624: Temminck's Stint
625: Plaintive Cuckoo
626: Grey-breasted Prinia
627: Bank Myna
628: Baya Weaver


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Back in Switzerland:

4. May - Winterthur, Switzerland
629: Common Swift

7. May - Greifensee, Switzerland
630: Black-crowned Night Heron
631: Western Cattle Egret
632: Black Tern
633: Red-backed Shrike
634: Garden Warbler
635: Common Nightingale
I love May!

10. May - Neeracherried, Switzerland
636: Eurasian Hobby
637: Eurasian Reed Warbler

12. May - Greifensee, Switzerland
638: White-winged Tern
639: Great Reed Warbler
640: Lesser Whitethroat

14. May - Maienfeld, Switzerland
641: Red-footed Falcon
642: Wryneck

16. May - Klingauer Stausee, Switzerland
643: Common Ringed Plover
644: Wood Sandpiper
645: Spotted Flycatcher
Maymania continues. First a sunday evening twitch, today a full day at Fanel/Chablais de Cudrefin, probably the best spot for birds in Switzerland.

17. May - Schinznach, Switzerland
646: River Warbler

18. May - Fanel / Chablais de Cudrefin, Switzerland
647: Squacco Heron
648: Grey Plover
649: Little Stint
650: Curlew Sandpiper
651: Arctic Tern
652: European Turtle Dove
653: Eurasian Golden Oriole
654: Common Whitethroat
655: Corn Bunting
First a day trip to Kaltbrunner Ried to see more Red-footed Falcons and add some good species like Icterine Warbler.
Then a three day trip to eastern Switzerland, guiding a group. Lots of Cirl Buntings, Redstarts, Wryneck and other good birds. On the way back I got an alert, waved the group goodbye and an hour later I saw my first Black-headed Bunting in Switzerland!

21. May - Klingnauer Stausee, Switzerland
656: Marsh Warbler

22. May - Kaltbrunner Ried, Switzerland

657: Icterine Warbler
658: Whinchat

24. May - Seewis to Valcaus, Switzerland
659: European Honey Buzzard
660: Tree Pipit
661: Common Linnet
662: Red Crossbill

25. May - Kaltbrunner Ried, Switzerland
663: Black-headed BuntingB :)
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And here comes the end of May: A two day trip to Valais in southern Switzerland, very successful. We also saw Short-toed Eagle and Hoopoe and heard Scops Owl and Melodious Warbler.

30. May - Valais, Switzerland
664: European Nightjar (incredibly well seen)
665: European Bee-eater
666: Western Bonelli's Warbler

31. May - Valais, Switzerland

667: Rock Partridge (my best observation ever, 5 birds seen)
668: Montagu's Harrier
669: Ring Ouzel
670: Common Redpoll
671: Citril Finch


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Things are getting a bit slower, however still some good birding. I saw Whiskered Terns, a first for my patch and a day later a Little Tern turned up. Today I went to the mountains again with a friend. We took the train to Andermatt in central Switzerland where we found Common Rosefinch after a 10 minutes walk. Then we took the train up the mountain and walked up to about 2200m. A very nice Common Rock Thrush, Alpine Accentor, White-winged Snowfinch, Golden Eagle and other mountain birds were the reward.

2. June - Greifensee, Switzerland
672: Little Tern

10. June - Andermatt, Switzerland
673: Common Rock Thrush
674: White-winged Snowfinch

A wee picture taken by my mate:


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