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Viator's 2013 World List (1 Viewer)

Oct 15, Bidadari, Singapore

592. Brown-streaked Flycatcher
593. Von Shrenck's Bittern
594. Eastern Crowned Warbler
595. Banded Woodpecker
596. Square-tailed Drongo-Cuckoo
597. Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher
598. Ferruginous Flycatcher

Images of Yellow-rumped Flycatcher, Von Shrenck's Bittern, Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher and Brown-chested Jungle Flycatcher


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Oct 18, Bidadari, Singapore

A great bird for #600 for the year!

600. Blue-winged Pitta


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12 Nov, Victoria Park, Hong Kong

Flying over the park at the end of the day an introduced

602.Yellow-crested Cockatoo
Nov 13, Victoria Park, Hong Kong

603. Fork-tailed Sunbird
604. Japanese Tit
605. Masked Laughingthrush
606. Rufous-tailed Robin
607. Pale-legged Leaf Warbler
Nov 15, Hong Kong

609. Blue Whistling Thrush
610. Black-throated Laughingthrush
611. Amur Falcon
612. Blue Rock Thrush
613. Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Nov 18, Hong Kong

After being back in Singapore for the weekend, business has me in HK again this week.

614. Grey Treepie
Nov 22, The Peak, Hong Kong

616. Eye-browed Thrush
617. Japanese Thrush
618. Pallas's Leaf Warbler
619. Two-barred Warbler
620. Grey-backed Thrush
621. Mountain Tailorbird
622. Pale Thrush
Nov 23, Long Valley, Hong Kong

623. Red-throated Pipit
624. Collared Crow
625. Crested Bunting
626. White-rumped Munia
627. Chinese Penduline Tit
628. Pied Avocet
629. Olive-backed Pipit
630. Grey-capped Greenfinch
631. Siberian Rubythroat
632. Little Bunting
633. Yellow-brested Bunting
634. Citrine Wagtail
635. Chestnut Bunting
636. Asian House Martin
637. Oriental Skylark
638. Manchurian Bush Warbler
639. Eastern Buzzard
640. Japanese Quail
641. Yellow-browed Bunting
642. Greater Painted Snipe
643. Black-headed Bunting
644. Brown-flanked Bush Warbler


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Nov 23, HK Airport

Having spent roughly 7 hours at Long Valley one last year bird awaited on the outskirts of the airport before flying back to Singapore.

645. Pacific Reef Heron
Nov 30, Bunker Trail, Panti Forest, Johor, Malaysia

646. Purple-naped Sunbird
647. Black-and-yellow Broadbill
648. Moustached Babbler
649. Grey-headed Babbler
650. Hairy-backed Bulbul
651. Plain Flowerpecker
652. White-bellied Erpornis
653. Crimson-breasted Flowerpecker
654. Grey-cheeked Bulbul
655. Greater Green Leafbird
656. Fluffy-backed Tit-Babbler
657. Horsfield's Babbler
658. Crimson-winged Woodpecker
659. Black-winged Flycatcher-shrike
660. Rufous-winged Philentoma
661. Brown Barbet
662. Blyth's Hawk-Eagle
663. Checker-throated Woodpecker
664. Siberian Thrush
665. Yellow-breasted Flowerpecker
666. Japanese Paradise Flycatcher
667. Yellow-vented Flowerpecker
668. Raffles's Malkoha
669. Grey-capped Pygmy Woodpecker
Dec 1, Bunker Trail, Panti Forest, Johor, Malaysia

670. Blyth's Frogmouth
671. Grey-chested Jungle Flycatcher
672. Banded Broadbill
673. Large Wren Babbler
674. Rufous-crowned Babbler
675. Yellow-bellied Bulbul
676. Puff-backed Bulbul
677. Scarlet-breasted Flowerpecker
678. Chestnut-breasted Malkoha
679. Silver-rumped Spinetail
680. Little Green Pigeon
681. Black-nest Swiftlet
682. Slender-billed Crow

Mersing, Johor

683. Malaysian Plover
684. Ruddy Turnstone
685. Chinese Egret
Dec 2, Johor, Malaysia

After very heavy rain squalls set in the previous afternoon and were persisting in the morning we decided to head back to Singapore after breakfast only to discover the direct road was underwater as were the two roads heading inland across the peninsula to Kluang - so after ~200km of driving we were back in Mersing for a late lunch and being told we were likely to be stuck for a day or two!

The aborted drive however added 2 new birds in the southern edge of Endau Rompin national park

686. Black Hornbill
687. Green-backed Flycatcher

We eventually made it back to Singapore at the end of the day with water levels in the couple of places it remained on the main road low enough to drive through.

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