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Mourning dove outside my window (1 Viewer)


New member
United States
Hi I recently spotted a mourning dove outside my fire escape. It doesn’t move much at all. When I open the screen it stays still.
I try to leave some water in the shallow pan. What else can I do? I believe it must eat and drink at some point. Will it be sick ?


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Hi Cecilia and a warm welcome to you from all the Staff and Moderators. Doves are seedeaters, so if you can get hold of some that might help. He could be injured or sick. If there seems to be no improvement tomorrow, I'd advise you to contact the local Humane Society and see if they could come and look at him. Don't try to touch him yourself though.

We have some general guidelines here for the care of injured and baby birds.

I'm sure you will enjoy it here and I look forward to hearing your news.
Thank you so much for all the suggestions and tips. I left some seeds outside my window and water but he didn’t seem to eat.

I also noticed that the bird seems a different one. Does this seems different from the first one?

Sorry I don’t have too much knowledge about birds.
I wondered if this one is a male one and there are eggs underneath.

Thank you so much !IMG_1653.png
That does appear to be a nest there. This second one does appear to be a male.

It looks like you need to make preparations to be a godmother LOL

You can read more about Mourning Doves in our Opus article: Mourning Dove - BirdForum Opus
Update … First time seeing eggs! I am super excited now.
Thank you so much for helping!


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Very nice 👍

To avoid disturbing the birds, I'd recommend not putting food / water right next to the nest. Maybe these birds are truly habituated, but it could cause them to abandon the nest.

If you put the food nearby (on another window ledge/ in garden) they'll find it.
Very nice 👍

To avoid disturbing the birds, I'd recommend not putting food / water right next to the nest. Maybe these birds are truly habituated, but it could cause them to abandon the nest.

If you put the food nearby (on another window ledge/ in garden) they'll find it.
Will do ! Thank you so much for your advice!
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