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Lincolnshire Birding (2 Viewers)

Lesser Scaup, Freiston Shore RSPB Still showing well from the bank opposite the hide this morning @1050 also Redhead Smew from c/pk B :)

Record Shot below ;)


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Garganey, Marston Sewage Works, Grantham.

First pair seen 1009 13/04/13 (pictured) from the Hide.

Later that day another pair turned up :t:


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Grasshopper warbler reeling in rough grassland on Pasture Road South, Barton Upon Humber.
Just learned all the rough grassland and scrub in the Pasture Road South area is now back up for sale, they are hoping to sell it as arable, which would be a shame.
Marston Sewage Works 26th April 13
2 Grasshopper Warbler reeling either end of the works.
1 Cuckoo by orange fencing.
5 Wheatear on field adjacent to orange fencing.
GRANTHAM.Hougham To Marston SW NR

While visiting family at Hougham Grantham I had a visit to Marston SW NR.I had been once before last May when the SEO was around but this time I had more time to walk the area.

Dunnock,Grey Heron,Reed Bunting,Blackbird,Robin,Song thrush,Jackdaw,2 Cuckoo,Kestrel,Bulfinch,Chaffinch,Goldfinch,Greenfinch,Linnet,Siskin,Buzzard,Red kite,Sparrowhawk,Long-tailed tit,Oystercatcher,Pheasant,Collared dove,Woodpigeon,Pied wagtail,Lapwing,House sparrow,Starling,House Martin, Swallow.Swits,Gadwall,Greylag goose,Mallard,Mute swan,Blue tit,Great tit,Blackcap.Cetti's wabler,Chiffchaff,Grasshopper wabler,Lesser and Common Whitethroat Reed wabler,Sedge wabler,Willow wabler,Wren


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Kirkby Pits NR near Woodhall Spa, central Lincolnshire - There has been a drake Smew around for about a week. I missed him this morning although he was seen later by others on one of the working pits on opposite side of road, Conningsby side of the conveyor belt. Saw drake Scaup on Riverslea pit which is the pit next to the reserve on the Kirkby on Bain side. Also a couple of Egyptian Geese in field at back of reserve.
We're looking for some help to cover some 5x5km squares in North Lincs around Brigg, Broughton, Nth Kelsey Moors, Cleethorpes and Normanby. Email [email protected] if you are able to help out. Two-three visits required this year only, couple of hours max per visit.

Many thanks
Messingham Sands Memories

Visiting Parents for the weekend and dropped into Messingham Sands (LWT). Started my birding days here 40 yrs ago so a walk reminiscing my first bittern, first goldeneye, and first turtle dove sightings as well as marsh, willow and coal tit. Couldn't believe my wife heard bittern booming 5 mins after leaving the car. Sat in the Duck hide and a bittern flew in close to us. Three goldeneye were diving by wader hide and Avocet! They were a dream to see bird in my young birding days. Finally marsh harriers - what a sight and how things have changed. Probably not so well for those latter listed species, altho I picked up a coal tit and goldrcrests, but I was delighted to see how th reserve has developed over time. Wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all who have done their bit down there. Much appreciated by my wife and I over the last weekend.
Best Regards,
In the car (as a passenger) coming back from Stamford yesterday and saw a huge bird of prey swooping over a farmers field. Managed to get a reasonable look from the window and looked strikingly similar to a Red Kite. The only other bird it bore a similar resemblance too was a Marsh Harrier, but I don't think it would have been as large as this.

It was just off the A1 and a few miles from Stamford, but there was no point we could stop to have a further look. Is a Red Kite feasible?
This evening we were driving along the A63 and saw a bird of prey (not a common buzzard) which at first we thought might have been an Osprey. However we aren't sure if it was a Honey Buzzard. It was flying over the river toward North Lincolnshire so has anyone seen this bird and can give an ID? We passed it too quickly to ID it.
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