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High end hide luxury (1 Viewer)

In all fairness as long as the hide is watertight and has a confortable seating / window arrangement I am far more concerned about the about it overlooks
The view is fairly guaranteed ... the Berney mudflats one side and rspb berney arms the other .. so how. high end is high end ...wish list stuff ... coffee machine/ tea and biscuits must go in but what else
.... is better always better ...
No; heated hides = insulation necessary = glass windows = poor quality viewing, particularly for photos :t:

(or if heated but without insulation, dreadful shimmer as warm air inside mixes with cold air outside . . . and a huge waste of fuel)
Coffee machine is a great idea :) But a coin operated bird food dispenser might be even better.

For me:
- Seats which can be moved forward and back to accommodate both bins and tripod viewing
- Windows which are high enough that people standing and sitting with different height can use both
And most important: that hide is in the place where birds are actually close to it, not just some overlook of a lot of reeds. In some places it would be great to have e.g. a hide with a long corridor through the reedbed right to the water edge.

Actually a hide can be arranged to bring birds close to it. For example a small island right in front of a waterbird hide, or even few floating tree trunks or a wooden pallet drifting in front.
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I am always surprised how many hides face south here in the UK - so for a good chunk of the day you are facing into the sun (if there is any!).
East is East and West is West ..... but North is Best!
So good all round vision with silent window mechs , fully adjustable seating , coffee / tea , good view .... what about sharing ... would some birders prefer hide company or solitude .....
It would be nice to have a sign somewhere prominent 'Please be considerate to other hide users'.

Shouldn't be necessary, but often is.

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