we want to travel to the gambia in november. We booked for the first week, the footstep eco lodge. I hope that was the right decision. The lodge looks a little outlying. The satelite view from google earth shows a varied landscape . Did anybody stay there and give us some practical information? For example wheter it is possible to change money or traveller cheques (for my local bank clerk I am a dinosaur) in Gunjur. Does anybody know a reliable guide or restaurants in this area? The lodge itselfs organise tours and guides, but sometimes the other way can be good for the wallet.
we want to travel to the gambia in november. We booked for the first week, the footstep eco lodge. I hope that was the right decision. The lodge looks a little outlying. The satelite view from google earth shows a varied landscape . Did anybody stay there and give us some practical information? For example wheter it is possible to change money or traveller cheques (for my local bank clerk I am a dinosaur) in Gunjur. Does anybody know a reliable guide or restaurants in this area? The lodge itselfs organise tours and guides, but sometimes the other way can be good for the wallet.