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Falmouth pelagics scheduled for summer 2016 (1 Viewer)

An article appeared on Birdguides yesterday about pelagics off Falmouth this summer: http://www.birdguides.com/webzine/article.asp?a=5787

Anyone know what the chances are of Wilson's Petrel on these pelagics? Do you need to get on pelagics from Scilly to stand a chance of seeing Wilson's Petrel?

Think you'd have more chance off the Atlantic coast of Cornwall than the Channel. I've seen them off a pelagic out of St. Ives and on several occasions from Pendeen (no boat required |:D| )
From the link, "If the weather is REALLY bad offshore then Keith reserves the right to go back to more sheltered areas and continue the trip there, which should still be brilliant"

Not much of a pelagic in a sheltered area! Brilliant from the point of view of who?

'Brilliant' from the perspective of seeing 'other wildlife'. By all accounts he's quite enthusiastic ... never met him myself though.
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