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Birding advice please (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Bit of a long shot I'm currently staying between Moulins and Vichy. Travelling here on A41 i think, i passed a small lake teaming with Egrets and herons it was approx 30 mins east of Moulins.
Anyone know this area or can point me in the direction of any lakeside birding in the area please.
Here also looks pretty good, just South of the above location:


Another decent looking spot here too:


In fact, it looks like anywhere you can get to the river between Moulins and Vichy will produce birds.

Also look up as someone had 17 honey buzzards over yesterday. I guess they'll be using the river to navigate South. A short toed eagle was also seen doing the same a few days ago and there was a roller South of Vichy a few days ago too, so keep your eyes peeled.
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Many thanks Jonathan much appreciated.
I found val dallier and also saw two Bee Eaters in flight. Made my week. ��
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