Is the reintroduction of Northern Bald Ibis north of the Alps justified or not? Read both points of view about this question in these 2 papers published recently in
Vogelwarte (PDF of the whole issue, 6.3 Mo):
Fritz, J. & Unsöld, M. 2015. Internationaler Artenschutz im Kontext der IUCN Reintroduction Guidelines: Argumente zur Wiederansiedlung des Waldrapps
Geronticus eremita in Europa.
Vogelwarte 53: 157-168.
(International wildlife conservation in the context of the IUCN Reintroduction Guidelines: Arguments for the reintroduction of the Northern Bald Ibis
Geronticus eremita in Europe)
Landmann, A. 2015. Bestandsschutz, Bestandsstützung, Wiederansiedlung oder Auswilderung - Wie kann oder soll der Waldrapp
Geronticus eremita geschützt werden?
Vogelwarte 53: 169-180.
(In situ conservation, reinforcement, reintroduction or conservation introduction - How can we, how should we protect the endangered Northern Bald Ibis
Geronticus eremita?)