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Withymoor - Amblecote, Stourbridge..... (2 Viewers)

I had a run in with a security guard at that Sainsburys a few years ago over damage to my motorbike - so i turned my back on them a while ago;)

Don't expect a great deal at either pool but taken in with a visit to a number of other locales such as FensPool/NethRez?Sheepwash (a car helps) then you have a well-rounded few hours birding at any time of year.

Good luck -

Sun 11th Feb......

In particularly unpleasant conditions!

Withymoor -

BHGull ca 50
LBBGull single adult
Tufted Duck - 2m1f

Mary Stevens Park -

Goosander 6 (3males, 2 females and 1 male of indeterminate age either 1w or 2w?)

Stock Dove - single in with the Woodies.

Hi Laurie, Great news on your yellow Legged Herring Gull . Down Lakeside early January.

You know me as the person who works in sainsburys Amblecote. We met a few tears ago.

Quite recently i had Female Stonechat along Canal Back of Football Pitchs.

I also had the Drake Pochard aswell on Lake.
Hi Paul - nice to see you've signed up and posted, the Pochard must have been the same one as me.

Post anything you see in the vicinity, it all helps.

ATB Laurie:t:
In typically crap weather ystda aftnn (Wed13th) at around 16:00.....

Mary Stevens Park -

Goosander - down to 6 birds, 4 females, 1 ad male and 1 imm-type.
Tufted Duck - Male and a female.

3 species of duck, 5 if you include the plastics, amazing (first Tufties for me on there for at least 2 years).

Who needs Slimbridge?;)

Mary Stevens Park.......

Thur 14Feb ca1600

Goosander - 9 birds present - 6 females, 2 males and 1 sub-adult type male. Very active, feeding all the time.

Plenty of birdsong ystda with the increasing day-length and mild conditions, Coal Tit, Great Tit, Goldcrest, Nuthatch, Song Thrush, Mistle Thrush and Starling within the park.

Been down Lakeside Pool Dinnertime nice and sunny.
Birds of note.

Grey Wagtail.
Pied wagtail 2
25+Black Headed Gulls
Adult Lesser Black Backed Gull.
2 Pair Tufted Duck'
Mary Stevens Park..........

Sat 17th Ca1500 -

Quiet, the 'long-staying' flotilla of Goosander appear to have 'left the building'.

It was nice while it lasted, numbers fluctuated with 11 at the peak, unless anybody had more? Believe it or not the pair of Tufties are not usual and along with the first Cormorant that i have recorded there it has been a purple patch for a relatively unproductive site.

Still awaiting a Gull of note..........

Laurie -:t:
Mary Stevens Park Friday 15th Feb.

5 Goosander, a pair of Tufties and almost as many Gulls on the water as people in the park on a refreshingly warm sunny afternoon!

Good to have read the updates Laurie!


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Hi Pam - nice shots on a rare sunny day - looks like Friday was the last day for the current run of Goosander records. I had a rare.......days work:eek!:.......so i did'nt pop in until about 6 o'clock on the night before meeting some friends in the Plough and Harrow next doorB :)

Despite the lack of light, a quick scan did'nt reveal any Goosander so they must have departed sometime before dusk.

Sun 17th Feb -

Nothing of note on the pool with about 300 Black Headed Gulls including a couple of birds in full Summer 'hood'.

Elsewhere 1100-1330

Brake Mill Pool -

Single Female Goosander with about 250 Black Headed Gulls.

Stakenbridge Pool -

13 Goosander, 8 females and 5 males -

Buzzards, Nuthatch, GSPWoodpecker etc, plenty of stuff singing (until the cold snap this week?) but, hey, at least it's lighter, longer, now..........

Laurie :t:
Mon 18th Feb........

Withymoor - ca1130

Black Headed Gull 200+
Tufted Duck 4males, 2females -
LBBGull - single ad on pool several overhead -

Otherwise quiet around pool.

Mary Stevens Park - ca1500

Black Headed Gull ca350 increasing number of hooded, semi-hooded and 'smudgy' ear-coverters in a 'Med-Gull' stylee for the unwary....

LBBGull - single ad in Winter-plumage with distinct streaking down to the upper chest.

Goosander - single Female back on the pool.

More passerine spp now singing.

Withymoor - Tue 19th Feb - 1100-1230..........

Quiet but at least pleasant in the sun.

Black Headed Gull - Ca75
LBBGull - 2 adults present
Tufted Duck - 4males, 2females and what looked like a 1stW male.

Nice to hear things singing, most prominent were male Starlings already in breeding plumage now with nice Blue bases to the bill......Dunnock, Tits etc also singing plus 2 Green Woodpeckers somewhere along the railway line.

Surprise of the day was a Chiffchaff in sub-song, briefly. It just sounded 'normal' to my ears not 'tristis' - i have'nt seen a Wintering one around here so quite where it has been/came from?

Hi Laurie, must have just missed you.
I was down Lakeside Pool around 10:00am.
I also had 4 Drakes&2 female Tufted Duck.+ 3 Lesser Black Backed Gulls
Green Woodpecker(behind Football Pichs).1 Female Siskin(by railway line up slope).
1Song Thrush also 1 other calling nearby. Num, Blue,Great,Long Tail Tits in erea.
Very pleasant in the sunshine. Good few days woodpecker wise, had
great Spot near house Yesterday. Last week on the monday had low flying Raven cronking nr Home.
All The Best.
Re: the Green Peckers - i had one call in the Birches on the Railway Line (which is where the CC was but lower down the slope) and another bird answered, far off to the right which would make it where the Footie pitches are.....Weather 4cast is OK for the next few days......'bout time.

Mary Stevens Park - Tue 19th Feb - ca1630......

Quiet, gulls had departed, quite a bit of birdsong.

Goosander - back up to 3 females, very mobile and actively fishing.

In addition, on the 18th about 1115 i had 2 high flying and fast moving Eurofighters heading due East, turns out they were probably Italian visitors using the Welsh Valleys for practice and then returning to Coningsby.

Just in case anybody else saw them.....

Laurie -

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