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Videoscoping with Panasonic GH4 (1 Viewer)

Would imagine there will be a fair amount of interest in this camera as regards videoscoping, given the specs. Here is a link to my youtube channel which has several test videos taken with the GH4...

As of yet I cannot shoot and edit video in 4K as I am using a basic laptop, which simpy has not got the capability to deal with the sheer volume of imformation this camera can deal with...
This was expected and I am waiting to get the funds together for a mac system capable of dealing with 4k editing.
Further, I can only commend the panasonic remote app which works perfectly with the camera via wifi connection. Full live view to the iPhone/iPad allows still images, video recording and total control of all inhouse settings on the camera, worked flawlessly today at 60 metres range on a field test in a woodland near Stockholm. For those interested in digicoped still images click on the link below to my Blogbirder blog....
This is a serious piece of kit, very happy with the camera so far and expect it will yield stunning results....
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Heres a Wood Warbler in song, starting to get my head around the correct settings for shooting video..

Below, MOV mode, 100mbs, 50th second at 24 frames.


The same bird here on vimeo, though this time MOV Mode, 200mbs 50th second at 24 frames..


This footage, indeed everything I shoot, looks so much better on my monitor before export, its obvious that both youtube and vimeo are both compressing the files substantially. Any advice on avoiding this, or rather advice on proper export guidelines would be most wecome...
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Heres a Wood Warbler in song, starting to get my head around the correct settings for shooting video..

Below, MOV mode, 100mbs, 50th second at 24 frames.


The same bird here on vimeo, though this time MOV Mode, 200mbs 50th second at 24 frames..


This footage, indeed everything I shoot, looks so much better on my monitor before export, its obvious that both youtube and vimeo are both compressing the files substantially. Any advice on avoiding this, or rather advice on proper export guidelines would be most wecome...

This link
doesn't get me to your video but to my home page.
I like the 20/1.7 lens on the GH4 for videoscoping as I can attach an ND filter to bring the exposures down as I don't want to be above f8 (Diffraction) or 1/100 second. I have to use Manual Exposure mode though as there is not enough room on the DCB 11 adapter for the lens to move will auto focusing.
Picked up a two stop ND filter for the Panasonic 20/1.7 lens while I was in Chicago recently. Helps with the bright light of summer in keeping the f stop down to around f8. Unfortunately it keeps the lens a bit further away from the eyepiece so a little vignetting can creep into the corners. Easy to remove in software though.
Here is a short video shot with the setup.

Panasonic GH4 and 20/1.7 mm lens and Swarovski STX 95 mm scope and Digiscopeadapter

Mai Po Nature Reserve,
Hong Kong,China
15th July 2014
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Having used this camera now for a few months, I am finally getting my head around videoscoping, as well as editing video and sound. For those seriously interested in recording video I can only say that this camera is quite superb. The ability to record in 4K makes the footage all the more versatile regarding editing. I have recently invested in Final Cut Pro X which has seen a marked improvement in my editing after working with iMovie initially. Here are my latest efforts, all shot over the past couple of days...

Grey Herons, shot in good light today in cinema 4K, showing the kind of result that can be achieved given favourable conditions and reasonable light..

Waxwings feeding on apples in a suburban garden, also earlier today, the birds were around 30 metres away, filmed at 40x, in reasonable light again. Sound recorded externally with Marrantz sound recorder and added in editing for clarity...

Adult male Goshawk filmed yesterday. Very happy to get this footage, the bird was around 45 metres away in very bad light.

Two-barred Crossbill, filmed at around 45 metres in appalling light yesterday evening. Even in dark conditions the video works well and good footage can be shot. A great option to have in low light conditions when decent photos are not possible..

Lastly, a couple of 1st winter Scaup, a local scarcity, filmed in terrible light at long range. The birds were 175 metres away. The camera is invaluable for long range record footage...

All in all the camera has been superb, if a rather steep learning curve as well. Naturally, shooting in 4K has its expenses, you need a powerful computer with ample external storage, solid editing software and a good sturdy tripod. Given that, the results can be excellent...
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Very nicely done. I wasn't permitted to watch the first video. Received an error message saying it couldn't be watched in my country. The others were great though and I particularly enjoyed the musice that accompanied the Crossbill video
Very nicely done. I wasn't permitted to watch the first video. Received an error message saying it couldn't be watched in my country. The others were great though and I particularly enjoyed the musice that accompanied the Crossbill video

I have used a favorite instrumental piece by David Gray with the first video, which US copyright has decided it has issues with. Still learning, need to source some free music for soundtracks in the future...
Recommended lens for use with universal adaptor

Hi, thanks for all the useful info on this thread.

I am currently using a Sony RX100 with a Celestron Scope and a Hyperion zoom lens. The RX100 totally removes vignetting with its lens at about 2.5X zoom.

I would like to upgrade to 4K video and have invested in a Lenovo laptop with 4K screen, the clarity of the screen is amazing. I have also downloaded test 4K footage from Vimeo and edited it in Cyberlink Powerdirector. So far so good.

I have tested the Panasonic LX100 and the vignetting is unsatisfactory compared to the RX100 (which is a pity because I prefer compact style cameras)

I am now strongly considering the GH4 and would be pleased to get feedback on an appropriate, reasonably priced lens. For example would the Sigma 30mm f2,8 work without vignetting? I will be using the GH4 with a Seben DKA1 universal adaptor. This will be the first time I will have used a removable lens camera.

Many thanks, Scotview
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Having used this camera now for a few months, I am finally getting my head around videoscoping, as well as editing video and sound. For those seriously interested in recording video I can only say that this camera is quite superb. The ability to record in 4K makes the footage all the more versatile regarding editing. I have recently invested in Final Cut Pro X which has seen a marked improvement in my editing after working with iMovie initially. Here are my latest efforts, all shot over the past couple of days...

Grey Herons, shot in good light today in cinema 4K, showing the kind of result that can be achieved given favourable conditions and reasonable light..

Waxwings feeding on apples in a suburban garden, also earlier today, the birds were around 30 metres away, filmed at 40x, in reasonable light again. Sound recorded externally with Marrantz sound recorder and added in editing for clarity...

Adult male Goshawk filmed yesterday. Very happy to get this footage, the bird was around 45 metres away in very bad light.

Two-barred Crossbill, filmed at around 45 metres in appalling light yesterday evening. Even in dark conditions the video works well and good footage can be shot. A great option to have in low light conditions when decent photos are not possible..

Lastly, a couple of 1st winter Scaup, a local scarcity, filmed in terrible light at long range. The birds were 175 metres away. The camera is invaluable for long range record footage...

All in all the camera has been superb, if a rather steep learning curve as well. Naturally, shooting in 4K has its expenses, you need a powerful computer with ample external storage, solid editing software and a good sturdy tripod. Given that, the results can be excellent...

Nice closeups. It's great to watch the movement of Grey Herons and other large birds that fill the frame.
Have you found a way to fit an ND filter to the scope yet?
One of the powerful features of FCP X is the Luna Waveform for controlling the editing of exposure. Have a look at the Grey Heron again as I suspect it's about 1 stop overexposed. I get this on the scope sometimes as I haven't got an ND filter fitted yet and the GH4 defaults to iso 200, so for best results on light coloured birds you will need about f22 or equivalent.
ps there is a work around on the music issue. Overlay some bird sounds on the first 15seconds.
Nice closeups. It's great to watch the movement of Grey Herons and other large birds that fill the frame.
Have you found a way to fit an ND filter to the scope yet?
One of the powerful features of FCP X is the Luna Waveform for controlling the editing of exposure. Have a look at the Grey Heron again as I suspect it's about 1 stop overexposed. I get this on the scope sometimes as I haven't got an ND filter fitted yet and the GH4 defaults to iso 200, so for best results on light coloured birds you will need about f22 or equivalent.
ps there is a work around on the music issue. Overlay some bird sounds on the first 15seconds.

Hi Neill, not as yet been able to figure out a way of getting an ND Filter on using the TLS Adaptor and reckon in order to do that I may have to go with a lens on the camera and the swing away adaptor. Failing that, it may be a case of using post processing as you suggest. Still getting my head around FCPX, though I am making good progress. Many thanks for the tips here and nice to know about getting around the music issue, most useful as i have plenty of sound recordings which i have made over the past few years...
Hi Neill, not as yet been able to figure out a way of getting an ND Filter on using the TLS Adaptor and reckon in order to do that I may have to go with a lens on the camera and the swing away adaptor. Failing that, it may be a case of using post processing as you suggest. Still getting my head around FCPX, though I am making good progress. Many thanks for the tips here and nice to know about getting around the music issue, most useful as i have plenty of sound recordings which i have made over the past few years...

No inbuilt ND solution yet so I will just bump up the Shutter Speed to about 1/800th when using the 20/1.7 lens.
I would prefer a variable ND solution so the best I have is the Sigma 30/2.8 which has no vignetting even with the ND on.

Finally getting to where I want to be with the GH4. The acquisition of a Manfrotto 501 HDV fluid head has helped greatly, as well as closer attention to settings. I now shoot only in 24fps in 4K mode, Cinelike D Setting at 1/50th of a second. From there I crank the ISO settings to attain the correct exposure, whilst this is not an exact science, I have found it better to remain at 1/50th second and compensate with ISO setting as it leads to for fluid video. I use the Swaro TLS adaptor, which means I can't attach a neutral density filter, though I am working around this in the field to the best of my ability.
Final Cut Pro has been a revelation and after immersing myself in many youtube tutorials I am finally getting the hang of editing my footage. I have taken to recording audio externally, using a Telinga Stereo Dat Mic and Marrantz recorder which I have had for some years. Recording audio externally is a lot more work, as the gear has to be added to the back pack and the audio edited into the footage in FCPX. It is worth the effort though. Of course this will only work with a subject that is stationary and in front of the scope for some time, as such these Two-barred Crossbills were the perfect subjects...
I try to shoot in 4k where possible with the GH4 and one of the advantages is being able to take hi rez stills of the video clips. Here are some from my recent trip to Florida.
I shot this video in vertical mode as I couldn't get all the birds into the horizontal mode. I new I would be able to grab some stills of it at least.

Panasonic GH4 and Panasonic 20/1.7 lens and Swarovski STX95 Scope and 30-70x eyepiece and DCB11 Adapter
January 2015


  • Anhinga Pair Display9 Fl GH4 stx95 24Jan 2015.jpg
    Anhinga Pair Display9 Fl GH4 stx95 24Jan 2015.jpg
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  • Caracara Pair Fl GH4 stx95 23Jan 2015.jpg
    Caracara Pair Fl GH4 stx95 23Jan 2015.jpg
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  • Anhingo F Breed Fl GH4 stx95 22Jan 2015.jpg
    Anhingo F Breed Fl GH4 stx95 22Jan 2015.jpg
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