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Viator's 2015 List (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
After a personal record of 923 in 2014 not sure where this year will end up - as always work trips will have a big influence.

Jan 1, Singapore

No real birding but a bike ride from Katong along East Coast Park to Gardens by the Bay yielded.

1. Javan Myna
2. Rock Dove
3. House Crow
4. Black-naped Oriole
5. Olive-backed Sunbird
6. Yellow-vented Bulbul
7. Germain's Swiftlet
8. Pacific Swallow
9. Brown-throated Sunbird
10. Common Iora
11. Scarlet-backed Flowerpecker
12. Eurasian Tree Sparrow
13. Spotted Dove
14. Collared Kingfisher
15. Asian Glossy Starling
16. Japanese Sparrowhawk
17. Asian Brown Flycatcher
18. Common Myna
19. Zebra Dove
20. Striated Heron
21. Pink-necked Green Pigeon
22. Brahminy Kite
23. Black Baza
24. White-bellied Sea Eagle
25. Common Tailorbird
26. Blue-tailed Bee-eater
27. White-throated Kingfisher
28. Red-breasted Parakeet
29. Long-tailed Parakeet
30. Brown-backed Needletail
31. Stejneger's Stonechat
32. Oriental Dollarbird
33. Paddyfield Pipit
34. White-breasted Waterhen
35. Grey Heron
36. Lesser Whistling Duck
37. Common Flameback
38. Sunda Pygmy Woodpecker
39. Asian Koel
40. Oriental Magpie Robin
41. Little Tern
42. White-winged Tern
Jan 2, Marina East, Singapore

43. Lesser Coucal
44. Chestnut Munia
45. House Swift
46. Changeable Hawk Eagle
47. Baya Weaver
48. Barn Swallow
49. Crested Honey Buzzard
50. Scaly-breasted Munia
51. Javan Munia
52. Brown Shrike
53. Sooty-headed Bulbul
54. Red-wattled Lapwing
55. Pied Triller
56. Yellow-fronted Canary
57. Southern Red Bishop
58. Red-whiskered Bulbul
59. White-rumped Munia
60. Common Sandpiper
61. Cinnamon Bittern
62. Olive-winged Bulbul
63. Black-capped Kingfisher
Jan 5, Changi Business Park, Singapore

64. Long-tailed Shrike
65. Yellow Bittern
66. Chinese Pond Heron
67. Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler
68. Malaysian Pied Fantail
Jan 8, Xilin Ave Canal, Singapore

69. Pacific Golden Plover
70. Common Greenshank
71. Golden-bellied Gerygone
72. Little Egret
73. Eastern Cattle Egret
Jan 9, Singapore

74. Blue-crowned Hanging Parrot

Changi Business Park
75. Daurian Starling
76. Tiger Shrike
77. Oriental Reed Warbler
78. Yellow-browed Warbler
79. Little Bronze Cuckoo
80. Grey Wagtail
Jan 10, Singapore

A hike from Dairy Farm Nature Reserve to Bukit Timah Nature Reserve via the Singapore Quarry yielded a good array of new year birds with some winter visitors.

81. Coppersmith Barbet
82. Glossy Swiftlet
83. Asian Fairy Bluebird
84. Crimson Sunbird
85. Little Spiderhunter
86. Arctic Warbler
87. Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
88. Rufous-tailed Tailorbird
89. Cream-vented Bulbul
90. Eye-browed Thrush
91. Orange-bellied Flowerpecker
92. Cinereous Bulbul
93. Asian Red-eyed Bulbul
94. Black-headed Bulbul
95. Siberian Thrush
96. Dark-necked Tailorbird
97. Blue-throated Bee-eater
98. Banded Woodpecker
99. Pin-striped Tit Babbler
100. Eastern Crowned Warbler

Images of each of the thrushes!


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Jan 11, Marina East, Singapore

101. Savanna Nightjar
102. Dusky Warbler
103. Large-tailed Nightjar
104. Long-toed Stint
Jan 16, Changi Business Park, Singapore

106. Large-billed Crow
107. Red-rumped Swallow
Jan 18, Former Bidadari Cemetery, Singapore

108. Hooded Pitta
109. Lineated Barbet
110. Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo
111. Rusty-breasted Cuckoo
112. Ashy Minivet
113. Indian Cuckoo
114. Large Hawk-Cuckoo

Photos of Hodgson's Hawk-Cuckoo and Rusty-breasted Cuckoo


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Jan 20, Mumbai, India

A workshop in Mumbai with no time for birding will still bring a few new year birds this week.

115. Brown-headed Gull
116. Black Kite
117. Little Swift
118. Rose-ringed Parakeet
119. House Sparrow
Jan 21, Mumbai, India

120. Black-headed Gull
121. Heuglin's Gull
122. Caspian Tern
123. Common Tern
124. Pallas's Gull
125. Gull-billed Tern
126. Purple-rumped Sunbird
127. Alexandrine Parakeet
128. Indian Jungle Crow
Jan 22, Mumbai, India

129. Great Cormorant
130. Whiskered Tern
131. Indian Pond Heron
132. Western Reef Heron
133. Great Egret
134. Black-tailed Godwit
135. Common Redshank
136. Eurasian Curlew
137. Lesser Crested Tern
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Jan 23, Mumbai, India

138. Slender-billed Gull
139. Caspian Gull
140. Red-vented Bulbul
141. Black Drongo
Jan 26, Changi Business Park, Singapore

143. Intermediate Egret
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Jan 30, Changi Business Park, Singapore

147. Common Kingfisher - surprising I've not seen one sooner.

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