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Varna in mid September (1 Viewer)

Earnest lad

Well-known member
I have found a really good plane ticket to get to Varna mid September and have decided to go for a few days.
Please can anyone advise (a) some good places convenient for Varna to do birding
(b) which species are around that time of year.
Hello Earnest Lad,

Whereabouts are you staying and will you have a car?

Autumn migration should be in full swing by then so there should be plenty of species around, have a look at my friend's website here to get a flavour of what you might see! If you have any more questions please don't hesitate to ask!

Hi Earnest lad,

No problem at all, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit here! Pavel is a good guy and a great host!
I saw your trip report and ID requests. For what it is worth I agree with Simon on the putative Temminck's! For future reference if you have both in the field they aren't too hard to differentiate, Temminck's has plainer, less 'spangly' plumage and doesn't have the white lines on the back of Little. Also feeding behaviour is different, Temminck's very rarely feeds in the water, preferrring the mud and vegetation around the edge. The clincher if seen well is leg colour, Temminck's being a light yellow/green as opposed to Little's black.


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