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surf scoter (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all.
Could anyone out there help me out.
I need directions to Stutton Ness so I can look for the juv Surf Scoter. Never seen one b4 and have tried other spots along the Stour to try and find it.
Any help would be most grateful.
It is probably best to view from the Essex side.

However, if you do want to try and view from Stutton Ness, then you can park in the car park next to the community shop and centre in Stutton village. It is then a 20 minute walk from there along a public footpath, that runs past Crepping Hall. You'll see the footpath begins along Crepping Hall Road. The Tarmac peters out at the Hall, but a track continues on past a large wooden barn in the left and eventually bears round to the left and then straight down to the ness.

I hope that helps.


Around mid-day today, the views of the Surf Scoter from Wrabness were very distant. I suspect that anyone who'd taken the trek down to Stutton Ness (as per Sean's excellent directions) would have had better views.

It's a difficult call to say whether it's a better bet to view from the Essex side or the Suffolk side. The Essex side (from Wrabness) has the great benefit of having sun behind you (and a shorter walk), but it seems from talking to others that there's often a better chance of it being closer to the Suffolk shore (most especially at low tide).

Toss a coin?

Hi Stewart

My experience was the opposite as regards it being closer to the Suffolk side, but a lot depends on the tide, boats using the main channel etc.

As you say the light is better from the Essex side and the walk considerably less.

I'll be down that way tomorrow, so will be checking out the river and nearby Alton Water.


Thanks for the info guys. I'll give it another go at the weekend if it sticks.

In case helpful, late morning today

-- Common Scoter upstream of buoy 7 towards Stutton mid-channel

-- Surf quite close inshore off western end of Wrabness huts

-- Velvets out in mid- Holbrook Bay on a line between Stutton Ness and w end of Felixstowe docks
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