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Stand on Zanzibar's 2007 List (1 Viewer)

13th May 2007 (Birthday in Norfolk (and Suffolk))

179. Turtle Dove Littleport
180. Garganey (Male) Lakenheath
181. Spotted Flycatcher Lakenheath
182. Golden Oriole (BOU Lifer No. 248) Lakenheath
183. Stone Curlew Weeting Heath
184. Whimbrel Brancaster Beach Car Park
19th May 2007 (Yorkshire)

185. Kittiwake Flamborough Head
186. Guillemot Flamborough Head
187. Puffin Flamborough Head
188. Tree Pipit Wykeham
189. Tree Sparrow Forge Valley
20th May 2007 (The North West)

190. Woodchat Shrike Marshside
191. Common Redstart World's End

Plus 20+ Common Crossbill, Tree Pipit and 12 male Black Grouse, in flight three times and amongst the heather.
26th May 2007 (Norfolk... ...but first to Suffolk)

192. Dartford Warbler (BOU Lifer No. 249) Minsmere
193. Bittern Minsmere
194. Purple Heron (BOU Lifer No. 250) Minsmere
195. Barnacle Goose (Ahem!) Minsmere
196. Cetti's Warbler (BOU Lifer No. 251) Minsmere

3 lifers in one day... ...when will that happen again?
28th May 2007 (Norfolk Day 3 - 24 hours of rain)

198. Arctic Skua Cley Beach
199. Manx Shearwater (4) (BOU Lifer No. 252) Cley Beach
200. Arctic Tern Cley Beach

The Skua came in off the sea and right by the car, chasing a Sandwich Tern over the marshes.
29th May 2007 (Norfolk Day 4 - Not again... ...surely?)

201. Iberian Chiffchaff (BOU Lifer No. 253) Colney
202. Common Sandpiper Minsmere
203. Knot Minsmere
204. Little Tern Minsmere
205. Reed Warbler Hickling Broad
206. Temminck's Stint (BOU Lifer No. 254) Hickling Broad
207. Red-backed Shrike (BOU Lifer No. 255) Weybourne Camp

3 more lifers!

Also made first call in to RBA of the 3 drake Garganey at Hickling.
30th May 2007 (Norfolk Day 5 - The North Coast)

A cracking male Red-backed Shrike at Cley was the highlight on a day which saw only one addition to the year list.

208. Little Gull (4) Titchwell


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31st May 2007 (Norfolk Day 6 - We're all going to the zoo today)

209. Little Owl Flitcham
210. Nightjar (3) Salthouse Heath

Also a male Golden Pheasant at Wolferton, the male Woodchat Shrike at Holme NWT, four Turtle Dove at Choseley and 5 different Barn Owls.

By the way, Banham Zoo seems to have one less Black Kite than last year - might this explain the Creakes bird?
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1st June 2007 (Norfolk Day 7 - Red Hot)

211. Curlew Sandpiper (2) (BOU Lifer No. 256) Cley
212. Little Stint Cley
213. Little Ringed Plover Cley

And a real highlight...

214. Quail (2) (BOU Lifer No. 257) Choseley

17th June 2007 (Yorkshire)

218. Green Sandpiper Tophill Low
219. Goshawk Wykeham
220. Whiskered Tern (BOU Lifer No. 259) Wintersett Reservoir
I thought I'd add a few (amateur) photos:

(I can't edit the original posts to include them as I'm out of time to do so)

Dartford Warbler plus Stonechat and Sedge Warbler, all at Minsmere/Dunwich Heath on the 26th May 2007.


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A couple of photos from the 17th March 2007

White-billed Diver (BOU Lifer No. 236) Hayle
Great Northern Diver Hayle



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22nd July 2007 (Yorkshire)

223. Night Heron (BOU Lifer No. 261) Fairburn Ings

Plus a nasty big Arctic Skua in off the coast (see entry for the 28th May) and into the tern colony at Beacon Lagoons, Spurn. Also some Grey Seals and 3+ Harbour Porpoises.

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