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Rufous? (1 Viewer)

I live in North Florida and so I mostly see Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds. The last few weekends, we've seen this little guy who looks quite different to me. I've heard that Rufous hummingbirds can come here in the winter, but I've never seen one. While I would love to add a new species to what I've observed, I don't want to assume I've seen an uncommon bird without getting the advice of more experienced folks. Pictures of Allen's hummers look very similar, but that would be even more of a rare sighting from what I've read. I welcome your thoughts and suggestions! Thank you very much! :)



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It is very difficult to separate Rufous from Allen’s without bird in hand so you are correct in your caution. If you do a little research on the internet, you can learn what separates them. Females are especially troublesome but immature males are as well. You might try to contact a bander like an experienced Susan Campbell or Dwayne Martin, both in North Carolina or someone in your own state for help with that diagnosis.
Rufous would be much more likely than Allen’s.
There are what seems to be a unusual number of Rufous, both male and female, this winter in the Carolinas so it’s quite possible you have one of the many that have arrived for the winter.
This fall, we hosted a female Rufous at our house, identify confirmed by a bander from TN who caught the bird so we have recent experience on the fine points of identification.

If your bird stays for the winter, the plumage may change as spring approaches and help with certain identification. Good luck!

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