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Please help recognize this bird (1 Viewer)


New member
Hello everyone. I just registered here so please excuse me and feel free to move this topic if its in a wrong category.

Right now i am in camp, Ashford Connecticut and after the storm a baby bird fell out of its nest. One of the kids found it in the middle of parking lot and we could not find it's nest so im taking care of it right now.

I took a picture so that maybe some one can help me figure out what type of bird it is and what should i do.

Please help me.


  • IMAG0039.jpg
    126.1 KB · Views: 208
The baby bird is an American Robin. It is best to put the bird back near where you found it, off of the parking lot of course. The parent birds will come and take care of it after you leave.
But i always thought that parents will abandon it if the baby has been touched by human hands...
I am feeding it with worms and looks like she loves it!
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