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Noodle's 2006 List (1 Viewer)


i spent many an hour as a kid bird watching and i enjoyed it but i stopped. I don't know why but i'm glad i did... because I 've started again and I seem to enjoy it a damn site more now. On the downside - i've lost track of my "life-list" so I'm starting again. So since Feb 2006

Garden Birds
G1 - Blackbird (nest in neighbours tree but has regular food route in my gdn)
G2 - Robin (often out when i'm gardening)
G3 - Dunnock (neighbours garden but close enough - finally into my garden!)
G4 - Magpie
G5 - Wood Pigeon (eats the majority of food we put out)
G6 - Starling (one on feeder/one eats bits that fall to ground)
G7 - Blue tits (eat off table and look at budget accom - not interested)
G8 - Great tits (look at budget accom - not interested)
G9 - Long tail Tits - a pair feed in tree in F/G

Garden Total So Far - 9

W1 - Barn owl (perches on fence on way to work)
W2 - Mandarin duck (Petersfield Pond)
W3 - Mute Swan (Petersfield Pond)
W4 - Canadian Geese (Petersfield Pond)
W5 - Coots (Petersfield Pond)
W6 - Moorhen (Petersfield Pond)
W7 - Kingfisher (Bembridge - soon to be RSPB reserve)
W8 - Reed Bunting (Titchfield Haven)
W9 - Green Finch (Titchfield Haven)
W10 - Sanwich Tern (Titchfield Haven)
W11 - Redshank (Titchfield Haven)
W12 - Little Grebe (Titchfield Haven)
W13 - Great Crested Grebe (Titchfield Haven)
W14 - Little Egret (Titchfield Haven) & (Droxford)
W15 - Canada Geese (Titchfield Haven)
W16 - Barnacle Geese (Titchfield Haven)
W17 - Sky Lark (Titchfield Haven)
W18 - Lapwing (Titchfield Haven)
W19 - Oystercatcher (Titchfield Haven)
W20 - Grey Heron (Burham Marshes)
W21 - Turnstone (Titchfield Haven)
W22 - Snipe (Titchfield Haven)
W23 - Teal (Titchfield Haven)
W24 - Widgeon (Titchfield Haven)
W25 - Kestrel (Moorsted)
W26 - Sparrow Hawk (Titchfield Haven)
W27 - Curlew (Titchfield Haven)
W28 - Mallard (virtually every patch of water :p)

Wild Count = 28

Arundel (do these actually count)

Not adding til i decide whether they should count - they aren't caged but wings clipped? or do they stay for the plentiful food? PM if you think they shouldn't count or should please

Arundel Specials

AS1 - Robin feeding from hand
AS2 - Moorhen feeding from hand
AS3 - Little Grebe
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noodle said:
Arundel (do these actually count)

Not adding til i decide whether they should count - they aren't caged but wings clipped? or do they stay for the plentiful food? PM if you think they shouldn't count or should please

Great start Noodle - I don't even SEE Magpies here!

Arundel: Your list is your own, of course, so you can put on it what you want to. Generally, though, people don't count 'collection birds', which these are.

Sooo...those in the fenced off areas are 'not countable' but you are OK with all the ones on the lakes where the hides are and in the reed beds. (If they're on the picture boards they're not countable - if they're on the 'What's around Board' they are.)

Hope this helps

I'll be down there again in a couple of weeks.

Thanks Delia - that makes sense - I am now recording new wild sighting from arundel but I'm going to keep an Arundel specials section

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