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Lesvos Bird Reports 2018 (2 Viewers)

Mick Sway

Well-known member
United Kingdom
Lesvos Island , Greece , Bird Reports 2018
As I have done for the past 2 years , I will try to co-ordinate the reports of birders from various web sources, as they relate to sightings on Lesvos.
For anyone thinking of visiting Lesvos in Spring 2018, I am informed that Thomas Cook have recently reduced the price of packages, with first flights from 5th May.
Unfortunately the refugee crisis is still on-going.
From our point of view, having spent 4 fabulous weeks there in May, and 2 in September 2017, the only indication of anything amiss to do with refugees, in the tourist destinations, were vastly reduced tourist numbers , caused by the trepidation through news media refugee reporting.
It would be wrong to place these reports in the Fake News category , because Lesvos and the Greek government have a very serious humanitarian problem on their hands. Sadly there appears to have been a largely neglected relief effort, underfunded and under supported by the relevant EU and UN agencies. While NGO's however, have been proactive in providing humanitarian support that otherwise would be lacking.
Many Lesvos businesses relating to tourism have suffered over the past 4 years , so the best way of supporting them , is to fill those planes with birders in 2018 - please
Kalloni Salt Pans 03/01/18

Eleni Galinou presented the first report of the year from Skala Kalloni Salt Pans on 3rd January 2018, where she caught up with the cattle egret and submitted the following :https://ebird.org/ebird/view/checklist/S41709985
Some of the more interesting sightings were:
Northern Shoveler 13

Eurasian Wigeon 282

Northern Pintail 20

Green-winged Teal 242

Black-Eared Grebe 5

Greater Flamingo 1485

Dalmatian Pelican 8

Eurasian Spoonbill 2

Grey Plover 1

Eurasian Curlew 13

Slender-billed Gull 3

Eurasian Skylark 11

Black Redstart 2

Cirl Bunting 2

On the sea/gulf:

Red-breasted Merganser 6


  • Cattle egret Kalloni Salt Pans 030118.JPG
    Cattle egret Kalloni Salt Pans 030118.JPG
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Lesvos Rainstorm 16th January 2018

Only a few reports of black redstart, corn buntings and great white egret, showing on other platforms at the moment.
Following a relatively dry spell, yesterday torrential rain swept over the island of Lesvos, flooding rivers and streams. Unfortunately there aren't any images of the Tsknias River, however there was a video clip of the flooded Milopotamos River (river just before the Kalloni Pans while driving from Mitilini), which is normally a bone dry rocky river bed, by the time we visit in Spring.
This is the first time that I have seen any sign of water in it.
Image below, by way of thanks to Eleni Galinou of Lesvos Bird News Facebook Group.


  • Lesvos Rainfall.JPG
    Lesvos Rainfall.JPG
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Hi Mick, I hope to be over in unfashionable early April. Coming from inland British Columbia. So will do my best to support the local economy. I may post the odd question beforehand now that I have discovered the forum. It will be my first visit to the island. I hope my visit will help someone in some way, other than myself.
Lesvos 2018

Hi Mick, I hope to be over in unfashionable early April. Coming from inland British Columbia. So will do my best to support the local economy. I may post the odd question beforehand now that I have discovered the forum. It will be my first visit to the island. I hope my visit will help someone in some way, other than myself.

Good to hear, I hope that you have a pleasant journey.
You should still have some great birds then, hopefully the wetlands should
be full of migrant waders. As you probably know , some of the annual breeders don't arrive until later that month.
I would recommend that you get Steve Dudley's guide book available from Amazon.

I would also advise joining Lesvos Birders and Lesvos Bird News , Facebook Groups, the latter of which is run by local bird guide Eleni Galinou.
Black-throated diver , Gulf of Kalloni 17/01/18

Eleftherios Kakalis reports a pair of black-throated loon (Gavia arctica) in the Gulf of Kalloni, via Lesvos Bird News.
Photo by kind permission of Lefteris


  • black-throated divers Gavia arctica Gulf of Kalloni Eleftherios Kakalis 170118.JPG
    black-throated divers Gavia arctica Gulf of Kalloni Eleftherios Kakalis 170118.JPG
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Kalloni Salt Pans Sunday 28 Jan 2018

Reports still a little thin on the ground.
Photographs of common wintering species have appeared on Lesvos Bird News .#
However a local enthusiast reported long legged buzzard, common kestrel hen and marsh harrier at Kalloni Salt Pans on 28th January.
Images by kind permission of Lefteris Kakalis.


  • Hen harrier kalloni salt pans 280118 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
    Hen harrier kalloni salt pans 280118 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
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  • Long legged buzzard kalloni salt pans 280118 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
    Long legged buzzard kalloni salt pans 280118 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
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09 Feb 2018 10 Pygmy Cormorants Phalacrocorax pygmaeus

As reported by Apostolos Christopoulos; "About 10 Pygmy Cormorants Phalacrocorax pygmaeus, in Larsos.Ntipi "
I understand this to be at Nothern end of the Gulf of Gera .
14 Feb 2018 - first House Martin reported

Eleftheria Pavli reported and photographed an early House Martin at Pamfila today 14th Feb 2018.
Other sightings by obervers this week include:
scops owl at Aghia Triada
spoonbill, 6 at Kalloni Salt Pans

great crested grebe at the Gulf of Kalloni

More Lesvos Bird News on Facebooks Lesvos Bird News Group
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18 Feb 2018 2 Common Cranes at Polichnitos Saltpans

18/02/18 2 Common Cranes at Polichnitos Saltpans
Two common cranes were a great find by Lefteris Kakalis at Polichnitos Saltpans yesterday, first posted on Lesvos Bird News Facebook Group.


  • 2 Cranes at Polichnitos saltpans 180218 photo  Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
    2 Cranes at Polichnitos saltpans 180218 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
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Alykes Wetland Glossy Ibis Plegadis falcinellus 04/03/17

Signs of migration maybe 04/03/18
Or was it due to the weather ???
An impressive flock of around 60 Glossy Ibis was photographed yesterday 04/03/18, while flying over the Alykes Wetland by Eleftheria Pavli, yesterday.
As first reported on Lesvos Bird News group.

There has also been a few reports, sadly lacking detail, of common starling at Kalloni Salt Pans and breeding plumage Great Crested Grebe off the coast.


  • Glossy Ibis Kalloni Salt Pans by Eleftheria Pavli 040318.JPG
    Glossy Ibis Kalloni Salt Pans by Eleftheria Pavli 040318.JPG
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07 March 2018 Kalloni Salt Pans migration

For those interested in migration , Lesvos Bird News also reported today: "Barn Swallows, Garganey's, Little Ringed Plovers, Green Sandpipers and Glossy Ibisses this afternoon by the Kalloni Pans! Strong south wind and the atmosphere filled with Sahara dust" plus the first common swifts at Mitilini.
Migration News

Reports from local wildlife enthusiasts.

08/03/18 Eressos
First report of sand martins

09/03/18 Mesa Wetland
2 black kites reported
10 March 2018 Wheatears now in

Lefteris Kakalis reports migrant breeding Wheatears in on a visit out West, no location stated, he reported as follows:
"The highlights from our birding on the western part of the island (10/3/18): Isabelline's Wheatears (on their territories), Northern Wheatear, Black-eared Wheatear, Yellow Wagtail, Sub-alpine Warbler, a single Dalmatian Pelecan soaring with two White Storks".
Photos by kind permission of Lefteris.


  • Isabelline Wheatear West Lesvos 100318 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
    Isabelline Wheatear West Lesvos 100318 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
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  • Black eared  Wheatear West Lesvos 100318 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
    Black eared Wheatear West Lesvos 100318 photo Lefteris Kakalis.JPG
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11 March 2018 Black headed wagtails Kalloni Salt Pans

Eleni Galinou reports on her Lesvos Bird News group, male black headed wagtails in at Kalloni Salt Pans.
I believe that the males arrive on first.
Photo by Eleni.


  • Male Black-headed Wagtails 110318  Kalloni Salt Pans photo Eleni Galinou.JPG
    Male Black-headed Wagtails 110318 Kalloni Salt Pans photo Eleni Galinou.JPG
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19 March 2018 Cretzschmar's buntings in

Lefteris Kakalis reports as follows from South East Lesvos (no specific location given):
"A Short-toed Eagle and at least three Cretzschmar's buntings were the new entries for today...Plus a juvenile (2nd cy spring) Long-legged Buzzard. SE Lesvos."


  • Cretzschmars bunting Suth East Lesvos by Lefteris Kakalis 190318.JPG
    Cretzschmars bunting Suth East Lesvos by Lefteris Kakalis 190318.JPG
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