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huge unknown bird in runcorn cheshire (1 Viewer)


New member
on friday whilst i was in my garden i noticed 2 gulls mobing what i thought at first was a heron untill i took a closer look and saw it was at least twice the size of a heron (if not bigger) had long outstrehced legs and neck, flew differantly to a heron and in fact glided at a fast pace to get away from the gulls, my daughter who was visiting said theres that stork i saw by mine yesterday, i know she does'nt know too much about birds but i think everyone knows what a stork looks like
has anyone heard of a bird escape from a public or private zoo? i dont know of anythink this big in uk
on friday whilst i was in my garden i noticed 2 gulls mobing what i thought at first was a heron untill i took a closer look and saw it was at least twice the size of a heron (if not bigger) had long outstrehced legs and neck, flew differantly to a heron and in fact glided at a fast pace to get away from the gulls, my daughter who was visiting said theres that stork i saw by mine yesterday, i know she does'nt know too much about birds but i think everyone knows what a stork looks like
has anyone heard of a bird escape from a public or private zoo? i dont know of anythink this big in uk

Did you get any idea of the colouring of it? Hopefully it will reappear and you can get a full description.

Huge Bird

on friday whilst i was in my garden i noticed 2 gulls mobing what i thought at first was a heron untill i took a closer look and saw it was at least twice the size of a heron (if not bigger) had long outstrehced legs and neck, flew differantly to a heron and in fact glided at a fast pace to get away from the gulls, my daughter who was visiting said theres that stork i saw by mine yesterday, i know she does'nt know too much about birds but i think everyone knows what a stork looks like
has anyone heard of a bird escape from a public or private zoo? i dont know of anythink this big in uk

A grey Heron has an average wingspan of 185cm.
So 370+cm.wingspan must be a microlite. lol
OP said twice the size, which needn't mean a doubling of all dimensions. Then it would be eight times the size. Both Common Cranes and White Storks appear much, much larger in flight than Herons, and the description is good for one or other.

If it was strikingly black and white it was a Stork, if it wasn't it was a Crane.

OP said twice the size, which needn't mean a doubling of all dimensions. Then it would be eight times the size. Both Common Cranes and White Storks appear much, much larger in flight than Herons, and the description is good for one or other.

If it was strikingly black and white it was a Stork, if it wasn't it was a Crane.


I think it is 4 times not 8 by doubling length and wingspan.
More seriously if a Grey Heron was the initial id thought then surely it must have been a Crane.
A Mere Crane?

I'm new to this game, hence the delay.

2 or 3 weeks ago, in the late afternoon, I was driving away from Manchester along the relatively new A556 towards the M6. I saw a huge, heron-like bird lazily gliding down in what seemed to me to be the direction of Mere Golf club. I'm familiar enough with Herons, and, whatever it was, it was very much larger than that. The only thing my little brain could produce was a Common(?) Crane.

If it was, it must be richer than me - I can't afford to live in Mere!
Now seems to be about the right time of the year to see Cranes on migration but its a rare sighting I would say. I have not seen any reports of any about this area so far and not in the last month. Could it have been a Great White Egret? There are few of them knocking around now and certainly in Cheshire. You could have a look on the Manchester Bird Forum where you get a bit more localised reporting.
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