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Hills and Holes? Is it still there? Does anyone have any information on it? (1 Viewer)


Jack of a few trades Master of notta!
Opus Editor
United States
Good Day to Everyone!

I am an Editor on Bird Forum's Opus and am trying to expand an article in Opus about a location called "Hills and Holes" in Nottinghamshire.

I'm not having much luck finding anything of substance about it, so I'm asking here for information about it from people in the area that might be familiar with it.

I've pinned down on the map where I think it is and from the satellite image, it looks as though there is residential construction going on there. Now I'm not 100% sure I'm looking at the right place, but from comparing two different maps I might be.

So, I would appreciate hearing from anyone that has knowledge about this place. Is it still there? Is there information regarding birding there available anywhere? If so, where and/or who? Etc.....

Your response and help will be greatly appreciated!

Hi Barney,

At first I thought you'd got the wrong county as here in Cambridgeshire we also have a SSSI reserve of the same name, however on further investigation there is definitely one in Notts. There is a link here which might be useful.

Any chance you mean the reserve at Barnack, Cambridgeshire? There's Hills and Holes or Hills and Hollows as I know it.

Great for Chalkkhill Blue and Marbled White butterflies and very good for Green Woodpecker. As far as I know it's still there.

PE9 3EX is the post code.
Any chance you mean the reserve at Barnack, Cambridgeshire? There's Hills and Holes or Hills and Hollows as I know it.

Great for Chalkkhill Blue and Marbled White butterflies and very good for Green Woodpecker. As far as I know it's still there.

PE9 3EX is the post code.

When I first started working on this, that's what I was coming up with. But I found out later that is not the one and there is, in fact, two locations by that name. The one you speak of and the one in Nottinghamshire.
Thanks Steve... however the location given was at Warsop.

Would Hills and Hollows make a decent article too, do you think?

Sorry to hijack your thread Barney LOL
I've only been the one time, and that was a few years ago. It's an interesting habitat, but a local would be better placed than me to elaborate, (the Barnack site).
Thanks Steve... however the location given was at Warsop.

Would Hills and Hollows make a decent article too, do you think?

Sorry to hijack your thread Barney LOL

Not a problem D! I've actually sent you an email about this before I saw you'd responded.
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