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Help with Damselfly ID, please (1 Viewer)

Id Answer

Hi, they are as follows
1 and 2 Large red Damselflies
3 and 4 Azure blue damselfly
regards mike
Bill some very excellant work with the bugs,what set are you using.

Thanks George

Most of my shots are taken with a Nikon V1 + FT-1 plus Nikon AF-S 300mm f4
(The V1 is great for these shots, on a small TRIPOD, so much so that I have just bought a second (cheap) V1 body as a back up)
a lot of "Dragonfly" guys are using 300mm tele's on their DSLR's rather than macro lens!

It conjunction, I am starting to use my D7100 plus Nikon 105mm f2.8 VR micro HAND HELD

I usually take both "rigs" out with me

Next up is to start to experiment with a cheap "ring flash"

Then Raynox 250 for real close ups

Hope this helps

a few more on the following link

Thanks for quick response Bill expecting a delivery of Canon 100mm f2.8 macro lens.Will then try and have a dabble into macros see where it takes me.Really more of a Birdy guy but have fancied a foot hold into macros.
You seem to have established yourself into macro work,with some really great photos.
Many thanks Bill will follow your work closely.
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Thanks for quick response Bill expecting a delivery of Canon 100mm f2.8 macro lens.Will then try and have a dabble into macros see where it takes me.Really more of a Birdy guy but have fancied a fot hold into macros.
You seem to have established yourself into macro work,with some really great photos.
Many thanks Bill will follow your work closely.

Hi George, Birds are my main thing, but in summer Dragons are easier!!!! as they don't hide behind leaves
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