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Gus's Scottish List 2017 (1 Viewer)

gus guthrie

gus guthrie
A New Year and time to get out there again.
Stayed local today and tried to pick up some of the Rarities which are still hanging around.
My local patch is Kinnordy Loch, a mile from my house and I tend to bird mainly in Angus and North-east Scotland....unless something nice turns up elsewhere north of the Border.
I'm lucky to do a bit of travelling with my job and this helps a lot to pick up species which aren't local'
so here goes..........

Kirriemuir, my garden.

1. Blackbird
2. House Sparrow
3. Dunnock
4. Robin
5. Woodpigeon
6. Collared Dove
7. Starling

Kinnordy Loch

8. Teal
9. Mallard
10. Wigeon
11. Shoveler
12. Herring Gull
13. Goosander
14. Moorhen
15. Mute Swan
16. Whooper Swan
17. Tufted Duck
18. Goldeneye
19. Buzzard
20. Greylag Goose
21. Lapwing
22. Tree Sparrow
23. Blue Tit
24. Coal Tit
25. Great Tit
26. Chaffinch

Lintrathen Loch

27. Little Grebe
28. Canada Goose
29. Great Spotted Woodpecker
30. Jay
31. Carrion Crow
32. Jackdaw
33. Rook
34. Lesser Redpoll
35. Goldcrest
36. Wren
37. American Wigeon
38. Green-winged Teal (2)
39. Grey Heron

Angus Glens

40. Kestrel
41. Fieldfare
42. Mistle Thrush
43. Black Grouse
44. Raven

Linross Farm

45. Pink-foot Goose
46. Redwing
47. Common Gull

Kirriemuir ...evening

48. Tawny Owl


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Visit to Tentsmuir in Fife this morning to see 2 special little birds.

49. Shorelark
50. Common Scoter
51. Velvet Scoter
52. Stonechat
53. Twite

A brief stop at Monifieth on the way home, tide was out....and so were the dog-walkers

54. Ringed Plover
55. Dunlin
56. Eider

photograph is a Shorelark


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Last day of the holidays before work tomorrow. A look in at Kinnordy Loch in the morning and then an afternoon in Arbroath..mainly walking along the harbour area.

57. Gadwall ...... Kinnordy Loch
58. Treecreeper
59. Reed Bunting
60. Coot
61. Feral Pigeon
62. Long-tailed Tit
63. Cormorant
64. Goldfinch
65. Pheasant

Arbroath Harbour

66. Grey Wagtail
67. Great black-backed Gull
68. Black-headed Gull
69. Turnstone
70. Chiffchaff
71. Rock Pipit
72. Curlew
73. Oystercatcher
74. Redshank
75. Meadow Pipit
76. Red-throated diver
77. Red-breasted Merganser


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A trip up to Pitlochry with my wife today... to re-visit the Ring-necked Duck.
Then a detour to Glenshee on the way home.

79. Ring-necked Duck

80. Red Grouse ........ Glenshee
81. Ptarmigan


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Led an Outing to the coast today with the Angus & Dundee Bird Club, an annual event where we try to see as many wader species as possible.

82. Bar-tailed Godwit..... Monifieth
83. Grey Plover

84. Sanderling ..... Lunan Bay
85. Long-tailed Duck
86. Fulmar
87. Knot

88. Snipe .... Arbroath
89. Jack Snipe
90. Greenshank ...... Montrose Basin
91. Black-tailed Godwit


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A bit of catching up to do.....

Kinnordy Loch

92. Sparrowhawk
93. Yellowhammer
94. Siskin
95. Mediterranean Gull.... Stranraer
96. Pochard

Lintrathen Loch

97. Red-legged Partridge
98. Brambling


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99. Pied Wagtail
100. Purple Sandpiper
101. Shag
102. Dipper
103. Iceland Gull
104. Golden Plover
105. Glaucous Gull

Lunan Bay .....21.1.17

106. Corn bunting
107. Guillemot
108. Razorbill
109. Slavonian Grebe


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Lintrathen Loch

110. Great Crested Grebe
111. Red-necked Grebe
112. Bullfinch

Kinnordy Loch

113. Bittern


114. Waxwing
115. Magpie


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A rarity up here in Angus due to persecution on the Grouse Moors

122. Hen Harrier ..... undisclosed location
123. Linnet ...... Linross
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124. Cattle egret ...... Stranraer............scottish tick
125. Black Guillemot..... Stranraer Jetty

126. Willow Tit....... Ken-Dee Marshes
127. Nuthatch

128. Ring-billed Gull ......Strathclyde CP


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129. Golden Eagle ...... Angus glens

130. Pintail ...........Montrose Basin
131. Little Egret
132. Greenfinch

133. Skylark ........ Forfar


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