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Gus's scottish birds (1 Viewer)

181. Golden Eagle ..... angus glens
182. Tree Pipit ..... Glenisla
183. Spotted Flycatcher .....Glen Clova
184. Bearded tit ..... Undisclosed site
188. Chough ..... Islay ..... lifer.
189. Twite ..... Islay
190. Hen Harrier ..... Islay
191. Black Guillemot ..... Islay
192. Sooty Shearwater ..... Islay
193 Great Skua ..... Islay

also surrounded by Corncrakes but unable to see any at all, so doesn't count
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196. Great White Egret .....Kinnordy Loch. - self found
197. Wood Warbler ..... Killiecrankie
198. Pied Flycatcher ..... Killiecrankie
199. Little Tern ..... Ythan Estuary
200. American Wigeon .....Strathbeg ..lifer
201. Curlew Sandpiper .....Rigifa Pool
202. White-winged Scoter .....Murcar
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204. Arctic Skua .....Shetland
205. Long-Tailed Skua .....Shetland ......lifer
206. Storm Petrel .....Shetland .....lifer

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