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Graveney Marshes (1 Viewer)


Active member
Just returned from a 2 hour jaunt at Graveney, started from the Sportsman.
Having spent an hour sitting in the sun watching repeated hunting displays from a stunning female Merlin and good shows from the Marsh Harrier I had to pinch myself I was out there alone. Fantastic Friday evening.
Hi John

This was my first visit, the Lapwing spotted it before me which helped.

She was working hard for a good hour. Often flying within 50metres of the Sportsman.

pA good mixture of habitats that is relatively quiet do to the lack of roads. I know the area has been watched regularly in the past.

I'm also a member of Kentos, and having been on a few field trips found everyone friendly and welcoming.

Save Graveney Marshes

Hi there,

I came across your post re sightings at Graveney Marshes and wondered if you knew about the proposed Solar Power Station there. It's going to stretch across Nagden, Cleve and Graveney Marshes to the Sportsman.

You can find out more here.


If you're able to spread the word and/or let birders know so we can raise the profile that would be great.

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