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G'day (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I'm Robert from Big Badja Studio Australia....a recent retiree and am developing an interest in Birding. We host resident wild species including Crimson rosellas, Galahs, Grey Butcherbirds, Magpies, & Currawongs. Itinerants iclude White S/C Cockatoos, Eastern rosellas, Red rumped parrots, Wattlebirds, various honeyeaters, blue wrens and firetail finches.
We are blessed with these visitors because the 1acre block has been planted with mainly native species to provide habitat and food sources. Some feed regularly at the feeding stations, others fend for themselves.
I like to get out into the deserts and hav recently been trying to track down wedgetail eagles.
I am also a recent initiate into digiscoping, using my Olympus C700 digcam with a Televue Pronto refractor. I chose this so I can also use it for Astronomical purposes. I had an adapter tooled to interface the 2.
I paint landscapes and sometimes feature the wedgetails in the works. For this purpose I have just set up a winter studio in Broken Hill, NW NSW in the desert country.
Look forward to discussing any of the above, any time


  • kookaburra cobber p1010030 resized.jpg
    kookaburra cobber p1010030 resized.jpg
    87.9 KB · Views: 212
Wekcome aboard

Welcome to Birdforum Bigbadja, glad to have you along :bounce:
I always enjoy TV programs covering Australian wildlife as you obviously have such different species from our own. I'm not so sure about Butcher Birds as I've heard about their nasty habits ;)
It sounds like you have pretty similar interests to quite a few other members so I hope you will find plenty of threads to interest you. I certianly look forward to reading your posts and maybe seeing a few shots of your birds and wildlife.
BTW is that Kookaburra a family pet or what ?
It looks pretty at home being fed.

Thanks for the welcome, Ian.
This kookaburra is a wild bird, one of 3 that come down daily for a feed at my sister's place in SE Qld.
Heather is a Wildcarer....ie rehabilitates injured birds & animals for release back into their areas.
She is currently caring for 2 other kookaburras [ and a possum]and these are on a regular feeding regimen. The local wild family of 3 join in at feeding times and have even been known to get into the rehab. aviary with Heather. The injured birds accept them without rancour.
They usually sit patiently on the ajoining fence waiting their turn. On my first visit one even hopped onto my wrist asking for a feed.
Heather has made no concious effort to humanise them, they are making their own choices.
Other birds at Heather's include families of Satin Bowerbirds, Lewin Honeyeaters, Regent Parrots, Rainbow Lorikeets, and Galahs. She even ets an annual return visit from a migratory Common Koel named "Sarah" whom she rehabed a year or so ago. I'll try and get Heather to tell her own story about "Sarah"
Welcome to the Forum Robert.

Look forward to more great pics, especially of the Kookaburra's, which I personally think are great!

Welcome again.

aussi birds

Aussiland has some nice birds. My bro brought me a book when he came back from down under. It's a fullcolorbook with all birds of Australia. Quite good it is!

Hope to see some pics here as well ;)

Adios, Erik
One day I'll fly away
G'day mate

Great to read your posts. That's what it's all about, friends across the water and this little old forum joining us together. Great photo and very interesting topics to read as well. I am definately looking forward to your posts as I will never be able to afford to go there but at least I can enjoy what is there through your eyes.

Lets see some more photos please.

John J

I don't suppose you could include your native Corvus species in your list as you can hardly find anything on the net about them.


Hello Bigbadja

and to echo the rest, welcome to BirdForum!

Loved the pic of the 'burra. I hadn't realised they were quite so big! Look forward to seeing some more pix . . . and your paintings!

B :)

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