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Gareno lodge contact (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Hi all,

Does anybody have a current email address for Gareno lodge? The one on their website bounced when I tried to contact them. I'm reluctant to call, as my Spanish is passable but I struggle to comprehend everything on the phone and don't want any misunderstandings. I can't say I'm overly excited to go there, but it seems to be the best place for Fiery Topaz, and maybe we can handle two nights! :)

Thanks, Jim
Great for Rufous Potoo. Birding along the Harpy Trail is good - we saw Sapphire Quail-dove to playback. The road may be the best site for Casqued Oropendola - a hard bird anywhere; they were quite skittish but we got good views in the end.

cheers, alan
Hi all,

Thank you for your encouraging replies. Also, I think that when I sent me message earlier, my problem with the email I sent is that I must have transposed some letter in the address, which is why it bounced. For those who are interested, the correct email address for Gareno Lodge is [email protected]. It's on their website, but it's an image, rather than text, so you can't just copy it...

Thanks, Jim
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