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Clouds on the horizon? (1 Viewer)


I was commenting and speculating on the subject of the article in the OP, the apparent disagreement between the Swarovski family (father, daughter, uncle and brother/cousin(?)and their (presumably hired) CEO. I have no "evidence" other than the article.

I did not at any time address any of the things you spoke about, production, supply, demand, etc., and I really was not even addressing the optics division or its product lines.

I think I am a bit confused by your challenge.

Dear Richard,
It was not meant as a challenge, but I was curious about your sources (what do you mean by OP??), since what I know from the optics division is, that they are working very hard to produce instruments, and to develop new ones. The problem with the management, if one could call it a problem, is that the owners of the company as a whole with so many family members has rather expanded over the decades and during the years there were quite a few disagreements/challenges/conflicts in that large crowd of family owners about the course of the company (and perhaps also about the conduct of some). For the company as a whole it must be quite a task to keep so many different activities and opinions under one roof.
Gijs van Ginkel
Dear Richard,
It was not meant as a challenge, but I was curious about your sources (what do you mean by OP??), since what I know from the optics division is, that they are working very hard to produce instruments, and to develop new ones. The problem with the management, if one could call it a problem, is that the owners of the company as a whole with so many family members has rather expanded over the decades and during the years there were quite a few disagreements/challenges/conflicts in that large crowd of family owners about the course of the company (and perhaps also about the conduct of some). For the company as a whole it must be quite a task to keep so many different activities and opinions under one roof.
Gijs van Ginkel

Yes, a classic problem with inheritance.

I see it a lot with farms. The children go off to college to pursue the trendy STEM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Math) degrees only to later inherit the land. Then the children squabble over it. The next generation makes it significantly worse. 4 generations later, one farm had 47 owners with no connection to farming or the land and majority rule meant accomplishing anything took a SIGNIFICANT AMOUNT OF EFFORT.

At least with a family-owned conglomerate, there is a chance to split it and let family members choose which part they want to be associated with. Aren't ALDI and LIDL (or is it Aldi North and Aldi South?), and Puma and Addidas, examples of this general trend?
A mere $9k USD. I've made due with Canon's reasonably good 10x30 IS for some years but I'm not as big a fan of Japanese optics as European (as my gear list might indicate).
The new IS Sig Sauers are supposed to be made in the United States and are said to compete with the very best. Sig has the money, marketing and the engineers to do this. They will be available this year(2021).
Hi K68,

The link to the Kilo 2400 ABS monocular rangefinder states that it is 'Assembled In The USA', see the attached screen grab
The implication being that it is mainly - and most likely solely - assembled from overseas manufactured components and modules

Clearly 'Assembled In The USA' ≠ 'Made In The USA'
And presumedly the situation will be the same with the IS binoculars



  • Kilo 2400 ABS RF monocular.jpg
    Kilo 2400 ABS RF monocular.jpg
    257.8 KB · Views: 6
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