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Cambridgeshire Birding (2 Viewers)

martinf said:
As several areas of the UK have their own threads, thought I'd start one for Cambridgeshire. While not held in as high esteem as some of its neighbours, it nevertheless has some very good and varied birding. Living in Cambridge, the county offers some good sites, most of which I imagine I haven't discovered!

Lots of info for starters

Very useful - could have done with the info this morning when deciding where to spend the day - ended up at Grafham Water, but did Fowlmere dawn and dusk also.

Great site, thanks.
whomes said:
Very useful - could have done with the info this morning when deciding where to spend the day - ended up at Grafham Water, but did Fowlmere dawn and dusk also.

Great site, thanks.

actually, it was your post this morning that made me think that Cambridgeshire probably deserved its own thread!
martinf said:
American Wigeon at Needingworth Quarry Lakes again today (TL365734)

A few sightings of Tree Sparrows at Fowlmere over the past few days - the first for years.
Tree Sparrows are also making a comeback in the north of the county. They are returning to former sites and doing well at a couple of new ones.
Nipped out to see the Shag this lunchtime. It posed throughout on rocks near the sluice. The green colour ring on it's left leg with the white letters CPL identify it as a bird ringed in the nest on the Isle of May in the Firth of Forth on 11th July 2006.


  • shag_8nov06_420p_20.jpg
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Probably as stupid question, but I'll ask anyway.

May head towards Ouse Washes tomorrow, but there's quite a strong westerly wind forecast.

Is this likely to have any effect on what I might see?
brianhstone said:
Always worth a visit. The westerlies won't make much odds.

Just a bit to the north there's an adult Dotterel been located today with Golden Plover at TF390016.

Cheers, Brian - now just got to convince the wife that there's a major shopping centre nearby!

(Has there ever been a thread on non-birding partners? She enjoys walking (in good weather!), but usually takes a book into the hides and sits at the back reading, much to the distain of some of the more twitchy twitchers.)
whomes said:
Cheers, Brian - now just got to convince the wife that there's a major shopping centre nearby!

(Has there ever been a thread on non-birding partners? She enjoys walking (in good weather!), but usually takes a book into the hides and sits at the back reading, much to the distain of some of the more twitchy twitchers.)

Don't worry about your wife, :gh: take her to new 5* WWT bird hide at Welney and she'll be cosy in the heated, glass-fronted luxury of it all. She could even buy you your Christmas present in the WWT gift shop and eat cakes washed down by copious amounts of tea in the cafe! ;) Meanwhile you could do some birding and be back in time for the evening feeding the swans spectacle. Even a non-birder should be impressed by that! :bounce:
Chris Monk said:
Don't worry about your wife, :gh: take her to new 5* WWT bird hide at Welney and she'll be cosy in the heated, glass-fronted luxury of it all. She could even buy you your Christmas present in the WWT gift shop and eat cakes washed down by copious amounts of tea in the cafe! ;) Meanwhile you could do some birding and be back in time for the evening feeding the swans spectacle. Even a non-birder should be impressed by that! :bounce:

Sounds just the ticket, I'll definintely give it a go when the weather's poor!
Went to the Ouse Washes early this morning - nice sunrise, causing the problem that you're always looking into the sun from the hides. Having said that, saw Great Crested Grebe, Wigeon, Lapwings, Teal and Mute Swans clearly, no big deal for some you I'm sure, but I'm happy with that.

Stayed from 7.30am until 10.00am and had every hide to myself. Not complaining, but very surprised there wasn't more people about.
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