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Birdng off I-70 (Kansas, Missouri) (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
My wife & I will be driving to Michigan from Reno the last week of May/Early June & hope to do some birding along the way. As far as birds are concerned, terra incognita starts for us at the western edge of Kansas & the plan is to concentrate our efforts in that state & in Missouri. We'll be motel hopping along I-70 & will have about a week in the 2 states before having to push-on to our final destination.

Any suggestions regarding good birding spots in Kansas/Missouri within reasonable reach (don't want to spend more time driving than we have to) of the I-70 corridor would be gratefully received. Target species includes just about anything not easy to find W of the Utah line. Passerine migration hotspots (though I guess spring passerine migration will be drawing to a close in late May?)?. Shorebirds--Buff-breasted, Upland, White-rumped, Stilt, Baird's sandpipers, Hudsonian Godwit? Red-headed Woodpecker? Prairie Chickens? Grasshopper Sparrow? Anything I've forgotten?

TIA for any help.
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I am very new to birding, so I am not sure that I can give you good information about what kinds of birds there are around here. However I did grow up in Kansas City, so I can recommend a couple of places that you might be interested in looking into that are right off of I-70.

We really enjoy hiking at Woodridge Park at Clinton Lake. There is a 4.5 mile loop that is somewhat out of the way, and lower traffic means that we see lots of birds. Links below.



The Burr Oak Woods nature center has trails and an indoor bird viewing area. They have a list of the birds that you can find there on their website. They very close to I-70 in the Blue Springs area.


I hope this is helpful.
Many thanks for the info, much appreciated. The Burr Oak Woods Nature center looks particularly attractive--I just had a look at the bird checklist--& I think we'll definitely try to stop there & maybe at Woodridge Park also if time permits.

Thanks again--
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