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Birding in Tobago August (2 Viewers)

Chiggers and Birding Tobago August

Thanks murph for the info on Tobago have contacted Newton and he is going to meet me at the hotel. Of interest is a DVD I just got hold of by Malcolm Rymes, Birding Tobago' quite a useful primer. He mentions and shows your book! I am looking forward to 70+ new species and will save Trinidad for a more intensive birding trip in the near future.


Phil Whittaker

Returned yesterday after 2 wks.
Trinidad - Asa Wright was excellent,some good guides ( I can give a name if you want ),Manakins displaying in Lecs and numerous birds outside the balcony.Snakes,Tarantulas,nesting Leatherbacks and Howler monkys at various sites in the North.Down at the swamp the site of thousands of Scarlet Ibis's returning to roost was amazing.V. hot and humid but you don't need to venture far. Loads of Mossies or whatever,had 200 bites one night in the swamp area - I gather that's unusual but bites are common. On average we had 5 to 10 hits a day.Some are quite sneaky climbing up your trousers,even had 5 hits on the wedding tackle !
Tobago - Stayed at Arnos Vale and Blue Waters,variety less than Asa Wright.Hired a car there and drove ourselves to the various sites.Only missed the main reservoir - Muslim threats to bomb it so no access.You can drive to the one near Blue Waters,lovely setting Herons/Parrots etc.Little Tobago worth a trip for the sea birds. Cooling winds v. welcome at Blue Waters. Beware eating is expensive on Tobago everywhere,but petrol is 30p / litre.Remember to keep $100 TT ( about £11 ) for departure tax per person at the airport. More info if you want it.


Birding Tobago in August

I recognise that this is a really old thread but having just commeitted to a family holiday for next August on Tobago, I'm keen to know what birding at this time of year is like. August is probably not optimum visiting time but school holidays prevent much else for me at present.

I'm contemplating a 2/3 day visit to Trinidad as well if affordable during my stay on Tobago.

Does anyone have any reports from Tobago and/or Trindad that they would be happy to share from trips at this time of year ?

Many Thanks
Hi Robin,

I was on on Tobago for a 2 week family holiday in late July 2006. North American migrants were as expected very thin on the ground at that time with no passerines, only a single Osprey & a few waders seen. Of the waders we had spotted Sandpiper & Semi-palm. Plover on our hotel beach. The sewage works near the airport had a few Lesser Yellowlegs, a Greater Yellowlegs, Stilt Sandpiper, Dowitcher spp & vagrant Wilson's Phalarope (another birder saw it but it was gone by the time I got there).

I'VE been to Trinidad in May but not August. The shuttle between the two islands is cheap, frequent & ehhh quaint! If planning a trip to Trinidad try to book 3 nights at the Asa Wright Centre -theirs is a full-board package so its not that cheap BUT they will provide the Trinidad airport transfers & the birding at AWC is amazing. There is enough there to keep non-birders satisfied for a few days (my non-birding wife stayed there with me for a week & thoroughly enjoyed it). If you are contemplating the AWC make sure you stay for a minimum of three nights as this qualifies you for a free guided trip to see the Oilbirds. You can also do a half-day trip to Caroni swamp from the AWC & in august the Scarlet Ibis numbers should be buoyant providing a stunning birding spectacle.

If you haven't yet booked Tobago accommodation then choose carefully. We stayed at Arnos Vale which was reasonably okay quality-wise but the local birding was excellent. Other places offer better accommodation but poorer local birding. If possible hire a car for part of your stay so that you can visit Grafton Estate & the local sewage works (car hire wasn't expensive & they drive on the left).

Check out this site for further info: http://www.trinoutdoors.com/pages/birding_hotspots.htm

If you need/want further info please feel free to contact me by private message.

To give you an idea of what I saw on Tobago check here: http://www.pbase.com/rainbirder/tobago

For Trinidad check here: http://www.pbase.com/rainbirder/trinidad

Whilst going to AWC on Trinidad will undoubtedly increase the cost of your holiday, doing this will turn your family holiday into a birding holiday to remember > Bearded Bellbird, Channel-billed Toucan, lekking Manakins, 3 species of Trogon, Oilbirds, Antbirds (Great Ant-shrike & Black-faced Ant-thrush @ AWC), Scarlet Ibis, possible Ornate Hawk Eagle, White Hawk, Black Hawk......... ;)
I recognise that this is a really old thread but having just commeitted to a family holiday for next August on Tobago, I'm keen to know what birding at this time of year is like. August is probably not optimum visiting time but school holidays prevent much else for me at present.

I'm contemplating a 2/3 day visit to Trinidad as well if affordable during my stay on Tobago.

Does anyone have any reports from Tobago and/or Trindad that they would be happy to share from trips at this time of year ?

Many Thanks

There has been several other threads on T&T recently with good advice, and I hope you have read these. To repeat a couple of items: I don't think there is a really bad time to visit. Get Murphy's book on birding in T&T for site and abundance information. There is a new field guide out for T&T http://www.amazon.com/Field-Guide-B...=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1220455038&sr=8-1 which is supposed to be excellent.

Birding in Trinidad in August, as every month, can be quite good. Many of the birds are resident year round. During August, while the NA passerines are absent, we have a number of migrants visiting from SA to make up for them including Fork-tailed Flycatchers, and Plumbeous Kites, among others. The first NA shorebird migrants are also showing up in August. If you're interested I can send you my August sightings, though these are all from the southern part of the island.
Dave, Niels, Rainbirder,

Thanks for your prompt responses, I'll do some homework having recently ordered the Murphy guide and a field guide.

I'm certainly thinking of doing a 3 day/night birding package to Asa Wright if I can afford it as well as some trips out on Tobago including Little Tobago. Am I likely to see seabirds in August such as Frigatebirds, Tropicbirds, Boobies, Sooty Terns etc ?

I would assume ( I am sitting without my copy of Murphy at the moment) that tropicbirds would be really difficult in August, and possibly also sooty tern. Frigatebirds and brown booby, I have seen those in any month of the year, and I am living just a couple of islands further north.

Hi Robin,

Frigatebirds will always be around.

In July we had 3 or 4 Red-billed Tropicbirds & a single White-tailed Tropicbird return to Little Tobago in the later afternoon (Newton did cartwheels -the WtT is a Tobago rarity). Even out of season the occasional Tropicbird returns to the island BUT august-november is the quietest time by far!

There were plenty of Brown Noddies & Sooty Terns around in july & they should still be around until late august.

Brown Boobies are around in Tobago waters throughout the year. Red-footed Boobies have a protracted breeding season from august-late march.

Hope this helps.


Last edited:
Just back from T&T and pleased to report that there are plenty of birds to be seen on both islands in August. Red-billed Tropicbirds, Sooty Terns and Red-footed Boobies could be viewed easily from the watchpoint on Little Tobago. Afternoon visits were recommended for the Tropicbirds at this time of year and this paid off for me.

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