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Binoculars-Black Marks. (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
I know this may come as a shock to some of you but when we get hot weather i.e. sunshine I'll often wear light coloured shirts instead of the obligatory green, brown, comoulflaged or a mixture of all three! My problem is the black rubber armouring on my binoculars leaves a nasty black stain on my shirts. this only happens in hot weather, does anyone have a solution...apart from wearing black shirts? or tying a hankerchief round the offending parts.:t:
I used to have a pair of Opticron binos that did something similar in very hot weather.... never really did anything about the problem but I suppose I could've wrapped black electrical tape or something similar around the bino's.
Andy Bright said:
I suppose I could've wrapped black electrical tape or something similar around the bino's.

I suspect that'd be even worse - that tape leaks glue something shocking in hot weather!

The black stain should come off easily if you get the shirts dry-cleaned.

To avoid it in the future, move to the Northumberland coast, or join Edward in Iceland. It never gets hot enough here to cause this problem.

You do have a point, Michael. I'm a great believer in the wonders of black electrical tape, some types seem to be better than others in regard to the adhesive leaking and the tape contracting.

How about the tape you wrap around tennis racket handles, or even racing bike handlebars?... absorbs the sweat from your hands, keeps hands warm in winter..... very unpleasant in the rain :)
Try Srewfix direct for a special electrical tape it is not adehsive unless in contact with its self and has a slight texture too it.

Its a couple of ponds a roll but should do 3-4 pairs of bins, so pass it on when you have done :))

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