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Birding central (ish) Brussels (1 Viewer)


Active member
Hi all,

I know there have been Brussels birding threads in the past, but as they are all quite old I'm starting a new one...

I'm going to be spending a few days in Brussels for work, and wondering if there are any good birding sites in the central-ish area, or within a short bus/train journey from the centre?

Brussels isn't great for birding but there are couple of sites easily accessible by tram that I used to visit on occasion.

Parc du Rouge Cloître in Auderghem is an area of woodland with a few small lakes. There is often a Ferruginous duck there (see local rarity records here), as well as (untickable) Mandarin and Kingfisher around the lakes. Middle Spotted Woodpecker breed in the woods and I've also seen Black Woodpecker, Goshawk and Crested Tit here. There's also a feral population of Siberian Chipmunk here. The site can be reached using the no. 44 tram.

Parc de Woluwé is in the same direction but a bit closer to town. I've seen both Middle Spotted and Lesser Spotted Woodpeckers there and Red Squirrels are common.

In general around Brussels, Ring-necked Parakeet & Egyptian Goose are difficult to miss, and any treecreepers you might see are Short-toed. There's also a small breeding population of Monk Parakeet. I don't think they're regarded as tickable, but the colonial nests are quite spectacular.

Thank you Stuart - I was trying to decide whether to stay an extra night to do some central birding, but I may just stick to my initial plans and try and fit a bit of birding in one morning or evening!
Thank you Stuart - I was trying to decide whether to stay an extra night to do some central birding, but I may just stick to my initial plans and try and fit a bit of birding in one morning or evening!

That sounds like a good plan! Brussels has many good points but the birding isn't really one of them!
Also watch out for Peregrines above the city, there are several breeding couples. The Zonien forest at the southern edge of the town is also worth checking for forest birds.

Best regards

Thanks both.

I think I will be staying close to the Parc de Woluwe which may be worth a look - e.g. for woodpeckers, common warbler species etc.

It would be nice to see at least one or two species that aren't common in the UK!
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