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Tunisia trip: 3-10 January 2012 (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Here you can find a is a short report of a birding and nature observation trip, which we (7 people) did on 3-10 January 2012
We explored various areas of central Tunisia, from Djerba (E) to Tozeur (W).
I just can't wait to go again in North Africa for birding and nature...
Most interesting birds have been:
Marbled Ducks, Ferruginous Ducks, Long-legged Buzzards, Bonelli's Eagles, Lanners, Barbary Partridges, Slender-billed Gulls, Caspian Terns, Laughing Doves, Pharaoh Eagle Owl, Short-eared Owl, Little Swifts, Bar-tailed Larks, Desert Larks, Greater Hoopoe Larks, Thekla Larks, Temminck's Larks, Richard's Pipit , Red-throated Pipits, African Reed Warblers, Tristram's Warblers, Moussier's Redstarts, White-crowned Black Wheatears, Black Wheatears, Maghreb Wheatears, Red-rumped Wheatears, Desert Wheatears, Southern / Desert Grey Shrikes, Brown-necked Ravens, Trumpeter Finches.

Click here for the report and gallery links.
Some very nice mammals and reptiles seen! Did you use a spotlight to find the mammals?

No spotlight, we saw some of those mammals while in the car(S) during the returning trips to the hotel... just a few seconds sightings...
Some other in daylight, ie wild cat, wild boar etc
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