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Red Kites near Swindon .... (1 Viewer)


New member
I am (almost) desperate to get some decent photographs of red kites. I am in Swindon during the week so would like to find some preferably in the evening. Can anyone tell me if there are any local to Swindon. I quite often see one or more on the M4 near the A34 junction but it is a bit of a problem to stop and get the camera out .... I have heard that there was a pair on the Marlborough road out of Swindon ... can anyone confirm please? Many thanks.
Red Kites near Swindon ...

Two winters ago I saw one several times just north of Highworth, on the A4361, in the first mile on the right hand side after leaving the final roundabout at the bottom of the hill. I subsequently heard of several sightings over peoples gardens who live off of St Michaels Avenue in the same town, one of which was sat on someone's fence panel. Whether it is still in the area I do not know.

Slightly further afield but easier for sightings and parking is on and around the B4000, near Membury services, just over into the Oxfordshire border. On more than one occasion I have seen three or four at any one time near there.

I had also heard of the Marlborough sighting you mention, and of another near Bincknoll, south east of Swindon. The latter I went to several times but saw nothing.

On Sunday two were seen at Bassett.


And do not forget from later this month the Osprey's will be passing through this area, sometimes they stop at Coate Water or Cotswold Water Park. Obviously you will need plenty of lady luck to see them but some have:


Good luck and share what you see.

Not sure about Swindon but obviously the Chiltern population have spread ,so the further east you go the more chances you have,I would say 20 miles east of Swindon and they would be quite regular
Thanks Martin. The Membury ones are those I see most weeks when driving home to Norwich on the M4. I have seen two or three in that area, but not being local I didn't know about the B4000 .... good tip. I will venture out and about next week ... thanks again, and of course I will be happy to share photos and sighting info. Thanks also for the tip on the Ospreys and Coate Water. We have had several sightings on the Norfolk Broads in the last couple of years. If ever you get up that way use http://yarevalleywildlife.synthasite.com/bird-notes-2014.php to see what's about ...
regards Ian
Thanks also Sniper ... certainly the further east the better ... I saw 4 having fun while driving up the A404 from the M4 to High Wycombe a couple of weeks ago; 2 so low that they almost went into the side of the lorry in front of me. Fabulous birds to see.
regards Ian
Looks like the Red kites are on the increase in Wiltshire, saw several fairly local to me recently, Foxham and Compton Bassett in particular.
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