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Bluetit - Him or Her? (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
United Kingdom
Hi folks, sorry it's been a while a since I last visited.
Again on the subject of our "lodger". For a couple of years they haven't shown much interest but just before Christmas, and strangley enough after the very cold snap, it arrived. It's been spending each night with us since then.
Now I understand they aren't easy to differentiate, it being mainly the depth of the blue cap, but would anyone hazard a guess as to whether this little chap is male or female?



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I've not heard of depth of cap being a distinguishing feature. Females sometimes appear slightly greener and less blue, but whilst that is a reasonably good indicator if you see a pair together as to which is which, it's not 100% reliable.
I've not heard of depth of cap being a distinguishing feature. Females sometimes appear slightly greener and less blue, but whilst that is a reasonably good indicator if you see a pair together as to which is which, it's not 100% reliable.
When I said "depth of blue cap" I assumed it would be taken as meaning the intensity of the blue colour. Males being a darker blue.
When I said "depth of blue cap" I assumed it would be taken as meaning the intensity of the blue colour. Males being a darker blue.

Ah - sorry I thought you meant depth as in extent. I find the colour differences difficult to judge in person - I really don't think you stand a chance from a nestcam picture, but matbe someone else can.
Collins says that the blue cap on males is usually a deeper shade with the females being slightly duller overall. I would go for a male in the grab.
Collins says that the blue cap on males is usually a deeper shade with the females being slightly duller overall. I would go for a male in the grab.
Experience, as litle as it is, has shown me that judging the depth of colour when looking at a single bird is extremely difficult. Even when two are seen in daylight it's still not so easy, so in nest box light I know it can only be a guess.
Taking this and other images together, on balance, I'd probably agree on Male though I've yet to see any Bluetit that accurately measures up to the pictures usually shown in the media.

Hopefully, when nesting time comes round, a pair will return as in the past & I can get images together.
Side by side images knowing which was which would be interesting. I think the range of colour variation between individuals is quite marked so with some pairs it will be more obvious than others.
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