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Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (2 Viewers)

Björn Bergenholtz

(former alias "Calalp")
Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen
(Biographies of Eastern European Ornithologists)

Here's a series of German Publications/Papers (all in all 36 different ones) that might be of interest for anyone curious, on either one of those guys, and/or "their" Birds ...

I'm pretty sure either one (or even most) of these in-depth Papers can add some facts and figures, about the Lives of the Persons involved (that is if you understand German, of course). And, if you can trace/find (some of) them.

🚦 Note the different ways (in quite a few cases), of each spelling/s, of their names (in German versus English).

Ok, here goes, the first one is:

Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (1): Sergeij A. Buturlin [*] (1872–1938), by Uwe Alex. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 64 (3/4): pp.113–116 (2012) [unseen by me]

He's commemorated in several buturlini Birds [see the Key (to Scientific names), here]:
Dr Sergey Aleksandrovich Buturlin (1872-1938) Russian zoologist, explorer in Siberia (syn. Certhia familaris, subsp. Dryobates minor, subsp. Emberiza calandra, syn. Perdix perdix, syn. Perisoreus infaustus sibericus, syn. Phasianus colchicus karpowi, subsp. Regulus regulus, syn. Sitta europaea amurensis, syn. Turdus obscurus).

He's also the Author (Auctor) of many Bird taxa (as Buturlin), and thereby listed by Zoonomen as:
Buturlin, Sergei (Sergius) Aleksandrovich (Alexandrovich) 1872-1938

As far as I can tell he hasn't been tampered with earlier, here on the Bird Name Etymology sub-forum, not himself, in person, though (of course) we've been dealing with several (many, many) of the Birds he described (see, for example/s, here).

He's a fairly well-known guy; Сергей Александрович Бутурлин (in Russian, according to Wikipedia).


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)

*Title/Name according to here. But compare to here!?! ... most likely (hopefully!) a typo, in the latter. In my notes he's (definitely) Buturlin.
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• Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (2): Boris K. Stegman (1898–1975), erster russischer Ornithologe der Hartert-Mayr-Schule in der Systematik der Vögel, by Uwe Alex. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 64 (5/6): pp.161–164 (2012) [unseen by me]

Commemorated in several stegmanni Birds [see the Key, here]:
Dr Boris Karlovich Shtegman (1898-1975) Russian ornithologist, systematist, zoogeographer (subsp. Alaudala rufescens, subsp. Charadrius mongolus (ex Charadrius mongolus littoralis Shtegman, 1937), subsp. Cyanopica cyanus, syn. Passer montanus, syn. Phragmaticola aedon rufescens, syn. Uragus sibiricus).

He's as well Author (Auctor) of many Bird taxa (as Stegmann). Zoonomen has him as:
Stegmann, Boris Karlovich (German spelling) 1898-1975

We've had an earlier look at this guy, back in March 2017, in the thread Władysław Taczanowski (here, post #9–18).

Disclaimer; this guy is not included in my MS, nor in my notes, thus I haven't checked him any further than the above.

If his surname is correct (in English) as either Stegmann alt. Stegman, or even Shtegman is unknown to me. He's Russian name is: Борис Карлович Штегман (according to Wikipedia).

If anyone has anything to comment (or remark), on either one of these guys, on whatever detail, large or small, please feel free to do so, though, if so, please state which one you're commenting on, simply to keep this thread comprehensible, and as easy to follow (as possible).


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)

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• Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (3): Leonid A. Portenko (1896–1972), Faunist und Taxonom der arktischen Region, by Uwe Alex. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 64 (7/8): pp.217–220 (2012) [unseen by me]

Commemorated in one portenkoi ssp. [see the Key, here]:
Prof. Leonid Aleksandrovich Portenko (1896-1972) Russian ornithologist, collector, explorer (subsp. Carpodacus roseus).

He's also Author (Auctor) of many taxa (as Portenko), thus listed in Zoonomen, as:
Portenko, Leonid Oleksandrovich 1896-1972

NOTE: Also as
Portenko, Leonidas (e.g. Auk 1930 47:205)
Partenko, Leonidas (e.g. Auk 1936 53:194)

Also often as Leonid Aleksandrovich Portenko.
He was born with the middle name Oleksandrovich (Ukrainian spelling)
but this was Russified to Aleksandrovich.
Thanks to Don Cunningham for this understanding.

He hasn't been debated (or checked) earlier, here on the Bird Name Etymology sub-forum.

Disclaimer; this guy is not included in my MS, nor in my notes, thus I haven't checked him any further than the above.


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)

... but that will have to wait until tomorrow ;)
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• Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (4): G. P. Dement ́ev (1898–1969), Repräsentant der russischen Ornithologie in Europa im 20. Jahrhundert, by Uwe Alex. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 64 (9/10): pp.281–284 (2012) [unseen by me]

Commemorated in some dementievi and dementjevi Birds [see the Key, here]:
dementievi / dementjevi
Prof. Georgiy Petrovich Dementiev (1898-1969) Russian ornithologist (subsp. Accipiter nisus, syn. Alauda arvensis dulcivox, subsp. Caprimulgus europaeus).

He's also Author (Auctor) of many taxa (as Dementiev, a k a Dementiew, Dementieff, Dementjew, etc.). Zoonomen has him as:
Dementiev, Georgii Petrovitch

Note: Orthography of the name is variable. Often given in citations as "Dementiev" or "Démentiev"
Library listings are usually as:
"Dementev" or "Dement'ev"

As far as I can tell he hasn't been debated (or checked) earlier, here on the Bird Name Etymology sub-forum.

Disclaimer; this guy is not included in my MS, nor in my notes, thus I haven't checked him any further than the above.


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)

• Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (5): Michail A. Menzbir (1855–1935), Darwinist, intimer Falkenkenner, Systematiker und Zoogeograf, by Uwe Alex. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 64 (11/12): pp.333–336 (2012) [unseen by me]

Commemorated in several menzbieri Birds [see the Key, here]:
Prof. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Menzbir (1855-1935) Russian ornithologist (subsp. Anthus gustavi, subsp. Buteo lagopus, syn. Chloris chloris bilkevitschi, syn. Dryobates minor, subsp. Limosa lapponica, subsp. Phylloscopus collybita, syn. Prunella atrogularis huttoni, subsp. Remiz pendulinus, syn. Sturnus vulgaris poltaratskyi).

He's also Author (Auctor) of many taxa (as Menzbier), thereby Zoonomen has him as [my red bold below]:
Menzbier, Michel (Michael) (Mikhail Aleksandrovich) 1855-1938


Several taxa described by, or in connection to, "Menzbier" has been dealt with here on BirdForum, see for example/s; here, here or here.

Disclaimer; this guy is not included in my MS, thus I haven't checked him any further than the above, but as far as I understand (and as earlier pointed out, elsewhere, by Laurent) his Russian name (Мензбир) seems to be transcribed as Menzbir (in English), contrary to "Menzbier" (which is the most common German interpretation/version, used in many, many texts).

However, if he truly died in "1935", as claimed in/by both the Key, and the paper above, or if it was in "1938", as stated by Zoonomen, is unknown to me. :unsure:


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)

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• Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (6): Hermann Goebel (1844–1910), Baltendeutscher, Forstmeister, Oologe und Erforscher des arktischen Russlands, by Uwe Alex & Joachim Neumann. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 65 (1/2): pp.45–48 (2013) [unseen by me]

As far as I know he's not commemorated in any Bird taxa, but he's the Author (Auctor) of, at least, the invalid "Podiceps Widhalmi" Goebel 1870 (here), thereby he's mentioned/listed by/in Zoonomen as:
Goebel, Hermann 1844-1910

I don't think this guy, nor any of his works, has been dealt with earlier here on the Bird Name Etymology sub-forum.

In any case, I assume he's not to be confused with (the, seemingly, later); "H. Goebel" commemorated in the South American Salamander Pseudoeurycea goebeli SCHMIDT 1936, as "Oedipus goebeli" [OD = here + (re. the dedicatee himself) here: "H. Goebel, of the Central American Plantations Company in Guatemala"].

Disclaimer; neither one of those guys are included in my MS, nor in my notes, hence they're not checked in any depth (not by me), not any further than the above.


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)

... tomorrow.

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He's commemorated in several buturlini Birds [see the Key (to Scientific names), here]:
Dr Sergey Aleksandrovich Buturlin (1872-1938) Russian zoologist, explorer in Siberia (syn. Certhia familaris, subsp. Dryobates minor, subsp. Emberiza calandra, syn. Perdix perdix, syn. Perisoreus infaustus sibericus, syn. Phasianus colchicus karpowi, subsp. Regulus regulus, syn. Sitta europaea amurensis, syn. Turdus obscurus).
These are not mentioned in the Key:

Commemorated in several stegmanni Birds [see the Key, here]:
● Dr Boris Karlovich Shtegman (1898-1975) Russian ornithologist, systematist, zoogeographer (subsp. Alaudala rufescens, subsp. Charadrius mongolus (ex Charadrius mongolus littoralis Shtegman, 1937), subsp. Cyanopica cyanus, syn. Passer montanus, syn. Phragmaticola aedon rufescens, syn. Uragus sibiricus).
● [...]
These are not mentioned in the Key:

Commemorated in one portenkoi ssp. [see the Key, here]:
Prof. Leonid Aleksandrovich Portenko (1896-1972) Russian ornithologist, collector, explorer (subsp. Carpodacus roseus).

Commemorated in some dementievi and dementjevi Birds [see the Key, here]:
dementievi / dementjevi
Prof. Georgiy Petrovich Dementiev (1898-1969) Russian ornithologist (subsp. Accipiter nisus, syn. Alauda arvensis dulcivox, subsp. Caprimulgus europaeus).
  • Accipiter nisus dementjevi Stepanian 1958 - snippets: Ученые записки Московского государственного университета
  • Alauda arvensis dement[i/j]evi Korelov 1953 - [not seen - Корелов М. 1953. О формах казахстанских полевых жаворонков. Вестник АН КазССР, 1953 (5): 113-115. I have seen the name spelled with an i and with a j, I'm not sure which is correct.]
  • Caprimulgus europaeus dementievi Stegmann 1949 - [not seen - Штегман БК. 1949. Географическая изменчивость козодоя Caprimulgus europaeus L. Охрана природы, 1948 (6): 103-114.]
This one is not mentioned in the Key:
  • Alectoris graeca dementievi Rustamov 1948 - [not seen - Рустамов АК. 1948. Новая форма каменной куропатки с Усть-Урта. Охрана природы, 1948 (5): 106-108.] (= syn. Alectoris chukar koroviakovi ?)

Commemorated in several menzbieri Birds [see the Key, here]:
Prof. Mikhail Aleksandrovich Menzbir (1855-1935) Russian ornithologist (subsp. Anthus gustavi, subsp. Buteo lagopus, syn. Chloris chloris bilkevitschi, syn. Dryobates minor, subsp. Limosa lapponica, subsp. Phylloscopus collybita, syn. Prunella atrogularis huttoni, subsp. Remiz pendulinus, syn. Sturnus vulgaris poltaratskyi).
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• Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (7): Vitalij Andre ́evič Chachlov (1890–1983), Unruhegeist, Sammler, Naturmensch, Redakteur und Asienforscher, by Uwe Alex & Jevgenij Šergalin, Ornithologische Mitteilungen 65 (3/4): pp.93–96 (2013) = here: "...(in der Literatur auch Khakhlov, Hachlov)"

Commemorated in one (invalid) hachlowi Bird [see the Key, here]:
Prof. Vitaly Andreyevich Khakhlov (1890-1983) Russian palaeontologist, comparative anatomist, marginalised for believing in the Abominable Snowman (syn. Eremophila alpestris brandti).

He's also the Author (Auctor) of the invalid "Muscicapa atricapilla sibirica" (V. A.) Chachlov 1915, however I can't find him listed among the Authors listed in/by Zoonomen (?), only on the Richmond card itself (as "V. A. Chaclov).

Elsewhere (like here) this Bird is referred to as "Muscicapa atricapilla sibirica Khakhlov, 1915" ...

Disclaimer; this guy hasn't been dealt with earlier on the Bird Name Etymology sub-forum, and he's not included in my MS, nor in my notes, hence he's not checked in any depth (not by me), not any further than the above.


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)

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• Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (8): Gregorij I. Poljakov (1876–1939), Herausgeber der ersten ornithologischen Zeitschrift Russlands und Chronist der Vogelwelt der Moskauer Region, by Uwe Alex. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 65 (7/8): pp.213–215 (2013) [unseen by me]

Commemorated in one (invalid) poliakovi Bird [see the Key, here]:
Grigoriy Ivanovich Polyakov (1876-1939) Russian taxidermist, collector (syn. Carduelis carduelis subulata).

He's as well the Author (Auctor) of quite a few Birds (as Poliakov, a k a Poliakow alt. Poljakov), though Zoonomen has him as (nothing but):
Poliakov, G. I.

Disclaimer; this guy hasn't been dealt with earlier on the Bird Name Etymology sub-forum, neither is he included in my MS, nor in my notes, thus I haven't checked him any further than the above.


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)​
• Biografien osteuropäischer Ornithologen (9): Sergej N. Alferaki (1850–1918), Autor der Monumentalwerke „Die Enten Russlands“ und „Die Gänse Russlands“, by Uwe Alex & Jevgenij Šergalin. Ornithologische Mitteilungen 65 (9/10): pp.271–273 (2013) = here.

Commemorated in one (invalid) alpherakyi Bird [see the Key, here]:
Sergey Nikolaevich Alferaki (1850-1918) Russian lepidopterist, explorer in Central Asia (syn. Phasianus colchicus pallasi).

Also Author (Auctor) of several Birds (as Alpheraky, alt. Alphéraky), thus Zoonomen has him as:

Sergei Nikolaevich Alphéraky 1850-1918(?9)
also as Alpheraky
b. April 14, 1850 Kharkov, Ukraine

Note, he hasn't been dealt with (in any detail) earlier here on the Bird Name Etymology sub-forum, except briefly mentioned, in reference/s; (here), as "Alphéraky", and here, as "Alpheraky".

Disclaimer; this guy is not included in my MS, nor in my notes, thus I haven't checked him any further than the above.


To be continued ... (with the next publication in this series)

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Commemorated in one (invalid) hachlowi Bird [see the Key, here]:
Prof. Vitaly Andreyevich Khakhlov (1890-1983) Russian palaeontologist, comparative anatomist, marginalised for believing in the Abominable Snowman (syn. Eremophila alpestris brandti).

Commemorated in one (invalid) poliakovi Bird [see the Key, here]:
Grigoriy Ivanovich Polyakov (1876-1939) Russian taxidermist, collector (syn. Carduelis carduelis subulata).

Commemorated in one (invalid) alpherakyi Bird [see the Key, here]:
Sergey Nikolaevich Alferaki (1850-1918) Russian lepidopterist, explorer in Central Asia (syn. Phasianus colchicus pallasi).

Nothing to add here ;)
Leonid O./A. Portenko (1896–1972) ...
Somewhat relevantly he was Ukrainian!! Soviet would be acceptable but not Russian.

Vitaly A. Khakhlov (1890–1983) ...
Vitaly Andreyevich Khakhlov was a Kazak so he was Soviet but NOT Russian. Important to get these think right.

However/Either way, they were both born in Russia (i.e. the Russian Empire), not in the Soviet Union/USSR (1922–1991, here), which (in my mind) makes it possible to call them either one respectively. ;)
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