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Pitt Shag - BirdForum Opus

Alternative name: Pitt Island Shag

Phalacrocorax featherstoni


Two head crests, which distinguishes it from the cormorants, one on the forehead and the other on the crown. Black head, rump, tail and thighs and dark grey back and wings with small black spots. The underparts are lighter grey and the bare facial skin is green. Non-breeders have paler underparts and the facial skin fades temporarily to yellow. The female is silent, but the male is noisy, particularly when displaying.


New Zealand.



Open seas and rocky shores.


Diet includes fish and marine invertebrates which it catches by diving.

Chalky blue eggs are laid in a loose nest while her partner stands guard or fishes. The young are fed by both parents, who regurgitate the contents of their stomachs on demand.

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