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Mossy-nest Swiftlet - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 18:23, 3 July 2008 by Wintibird (talk | contribs) (another Swiftlet stub gone)
Aerodramus salanganus


A medium sized Swiftlet (12cm), very similar to Edible-nest Swiftlet and Black-nest Swiftlet.

  • Uniform black-brown upperparts
  • Uniform pale brown underparts
  • Tail shallowly forked

From other Swiftlets in its range only identifiable in hand or at nest!


Found in South-east Asia on N Borneo (possibly also in the south), Java, W Sumatra and some small islands off Borneo and Sumatra.
Locally common or abundant. True status in some parts uncertain due to identification problems. One record from the Philippines.


Like other Aerodramus Swiftles this species is often placed in Collocalia.
Formerly considered conspecific with Uniform Swiftlet, Palau Swiftlet, Guam Swiftlet and Caroline Swiftlet. The five species form now a superspecies. Two subspecies of Uniform Swiftlet on Sulawesi are sometimes placed in this species.
Four subspecies recognized:


Found over different habitat around breeding caves. Feeds close at nest, prefering primary forest.


Feeds on insects, taken in flight. Gregarious and often seen with other Swiftlets or Swifts. Feeds at lower levels and closer to nest than Black-nest Swiftlet. Most active during dawn or dusk.
Nests colonial in caves, often together with Black-nest Swiftlet. Capable of echolocation. Nest build with vegetable matter and hold together with little transparent saliva, so nest is soft and moist. Lays two eggs.
Thought to be resident.

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