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Kalij Pheasant - BirdForum Opus

Revision as of 15:51, 26 June 2014 by Aloktewari (talk | contribs)

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Photo by dineshagg
Photo by Alok Tewari. Taken at Dalhousie, Himachal Pradesh, India ( Alt. 7000 ft above MSL )
Lophura leucomelanos


Male - blue-black, white speckled back, red eyering. Female - medium brown with light spots.


N India to SE Asia.

Hawaii (Introduced)



  • L. l. hamiltoni - Western Himalayas (Indus River to w Nepal)
  • L. l. leucomelanos - Subtropical pine, sal, and moist temperate forests of Nepal
  • L. l. melanota - Sikkim and w Bhutan
  • L. l. moffitti - Range unknown; possibly central Bhutan
  • L. l. lathami - E Bhutan and n India to Myanmar
  • L. l. williamsi - W Myanmar (east to Irrawaddy River)
  • L. l. oatesi - S Myanmar (Arakan Yoma Mountains)
  • L. l. lineata - S Myanmar (east of Irrawaddy River) to nw Thailand
  • L. l. crawfurdi - SE Myanmar (Tenasserim) and peninsular Thailand


Foothills of Himalayas.


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