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El Hondo - BirdForum Opus


The Parque Natural de El Hondo de Elche – also confusingly known (and signposted) as El Fondo d’Elx in the Valenciano dialect – is a nature park which is on the RAMSAR wetlands convention list and classified as a special protection area for birds, or ZEPA. The park is of international importance as both a breeding area for rare and endangered species, and also a wintering and migration site. It is part of an area which used to be known as Elche Lagoon, which was almost completely drained from the 18th Century onwards. The area lies to the southwest of Elche in the province of Alicante.

Today there are two main irrigation reservoirs, Oriente and Levante, around which are a series of ponds and salt marshes, surrounded by fields and palm plantations which together form an area which repays frequent watching all year round.


Notable Species

El Hondo is particularly famous as one of the main breeding areas for two endangered species, the White-headed Duck and the Marbled Teal or Marbled Duck.

Winter brings an impressive number of raptors to the area, Marsh Harrier, Booted Eagle, Common Buzzard and Osprey are regular, whilst rarities such as Lanner Falcon, Black-shouldered Kite and Red-footed Falcon have been recorded here, whilst Tonn the Estonian satellite-tracked Greater Spotted Eagle has spent the last two winters up to 2010 at the reserve.
